
1. 下列各組「」內的字,讀音完全不同的選項是:


2. 下列選項中,字形完全正確的是:


3. 下列各組文句「」內的詞,前後意義相同的是:


4. 下列摘自學生作業的句子,沒有語病的是:


5. 下文引自白先勇〈《紅樓夢》的前世今生〉。請選出最適合依序填入空格內的詞語:

曹雪芹出身□□□□之家,從少年的□□□□墮入晚年的□□□□,世家的大 起大落,促使曹雪芹對人生況味的體驗感悟,遠超常人。


6. 閱讀下文,選出最符合本文主旨的選項:





7. 下列為《全臺詩》中郁永河的作品,請依據各詩內容,選出說明錯誤的選項:




8. 下列為先秦諸子對政治的觀點,請依序推斷甲、乙、丙為何人的思想:







9. 閱讀下文,選出敘述最恰當的選項:

凡紙質用楮樹(一名谷樹)皮與桑穰、芙蓉膜等諸物者為皮紙,用竹麻者 為竹紙。精者極其潔白,供書文、印文、柬、啟用;粗者為火紙、包裹紙。所 謂「殺青」,以斬竹得名;「汗青」以煮瀝得名;「簡」即已成紙名,乃煮竹成簡。 後人遂疑削竹片以紀事,而又誤疑「韋編」為皮條穿竹札也。秦火未經時,書 籍繁甚,削竹能藏幾何?如西番用貝樹造成紙葉,中華又疑以貝葉書經典。不 知樹葉離根即焦,與削竹同一可哂也。 (選自《天工開物》)


10. 閱讀下文,最符合作者觀點的選項是:


近年文人書法市場行情大增,臺灣的周夢蝶、余光中,香港的董橋,大陸 留美的張充和,頻頻刷新紀錄,令許多寫字出名的書法家感到不可思議。 其實早年的文人如胡適、徐志摩都寫了一筆好字,而後隨著硬筆字與科技 發展,文人漸與書法分家。儘管如此,近代多數作家的手稿也都很耐看,字不 一定漂亮,但流露出來的文雅氣息與人文趣味,讓他們的字從來不只是書法。 近日裡偶有文人看不懂書法而詢問,此時代使然,但書法家不懂文字就比 較嚴重了。從前文人寫書法多是日常的生活應用,如臺靜農的信件較簡樸,有 話就說,紙張也不講究,甚至一張便條紙就把事情說清楚了,倒是這樣的紙條 珍惜的人不少。汪中的信札很有名,也講究紙張,弟子沈秋雄為他編過一本尺 牘集,文采、書法、信箋用紙極為可觀。然現今有些強調創意之書法家,任意 飛白、濺、噴,拼湊不相干文字,相較之下,那些不見得很厲害的文人書法, 或許更具收藏價值。






《富比世》作家 Jason Nazar 認為,「說服」是用來達成雙贏的局面,而「操控」則是強迫別人去做一些不關自己利益的事。銷售員該掌握的是說服的藝術,而非操控的手法,才能讓願者上鉤。以下四個技巧,讓你當個聰明說客。



3、適時提出反駁:說服不等同於一味迎合,銷售員甚至可以反駁客戶。根據 107 份研究結果(20,111 位受試者)的整合分析,比起一言堂,兩種看法交錯比較更有說服力 。不過,這個技巧的關鍵是,你還要把你的反駁再反駁回來。

(改寫自《smart 人才培訓網》) 



(甲)聽猿實下三聲淚 (乙)山樓粉堞隱悲笳
(丙)已映洲前蘆荻花 (丁)畫省香爐違伏枕
(戊)請看石上藤蘿月 (己)奉使虛隨八月槎



類別 學習表現









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國立竹北高中 111 學年度第 1 學期 第 1 次教師甄選
英文科 試題卷
(請考生自填) 准考證號碼: 姓名: 
Part I: 選擇題 (第 1 題至第 30 題請畫卡) 
I. Vocabulary: 8% 

1. When genuine ______ is considered to be an aberration, it is no wonder that the cynical belief that everyone is just for profit is considered to be realism.
(A) cupidity (B) avarice (C) altruism (D) vacillation


2. The bane of many a fund manager, the volatility of the emerging markets index has often _____ investors seeking a stable repository for their funds.
(A) confounded (B) assuaged (C) underscored (D) relieved


3. The politician’s tendency to ____ left even his most ardent supporters unsure of his position on certain issues.
(A) corroborate (B) equivocate (C) mitigate (D) venerate


4. The burst of gamma-ray radiation generated by the mergers of binary star systems are ____ in nature; scientists have found it difficult to collect meaningful data from such a brief of time span.
(A) expedient (B) protracted (C) transient (D) sidereal


5. No one would dare __________ that Edward had won the competition by cheating. But it’sblatant. 
(A) inflict (B) blandish (C) insinuate (D) dilate


6. The failure of the conference makes nuclear _________ more likely and nuclear disarmament a waning hope. 
(A) proliferation (B) impunity (C) lesion (D) nemesis


7. Power outages, act of _________, and general unrest have hampered the productivity of the enterprise. 
(A) dregs (B) exacerbation (C) fidelity (D) sabotage


8. Down here is the swimming pool, which is 41 ft long and elegantly lined with mosaic tiles, __________ the Roman style. 
(A) reminiscent of (B) obsequious to (C) pertinent to (D) compatible with

II. Cloze: 5% 
More than 100 global leaders lately pledged to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by the end of the decade, 9 by $19 billion in public and private funds to invest in protecting and restoring forests. The joint statement at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow was backed by the leaders of countries including Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which collectively 10 85% of the world’s forests. Calling it an unprecedented agreement, British leader Boris Johnson said, 

“We will have a chance to end humanity’s long history as nature’s conqueror, and instead become its custodian.” 
 11 additional government and private initiatives were launched to help reach that goal, including billions in pledges for indigenous guardians of the forest and sustainable agriculture. Environmentalists say that indigenous communities are the best protectors of the forest, often against violent 12 of loggers and land grabbers. Forests absorb roughly 30% of carbon dioxide emissions, according to the nonprofit World Resources Institute. The forests take the emissions out of the atmosphere and prevent them from warming the globe. 13 this natural climate buffer is rapidly disappearing. The world lost 258,000 square kilometers of forest in 2020, according to WRI’s deforestation tracking initiative Global Forest Watch. That is an area larger than the United Kingdom. A number of financial intuitions contribute efforts, some of which aim to eliminate deforestation while others target capping global warming..

9. (A) mortgaged (B) underpinned (C) underestimated (D) overwhelmed
10. (A) count for (B) consist(C) made up of (D) account for
11. (A) A swarm of (B) A flock of (C) A colony of (D) A slew of
12. (A) encroachment (B) implement (C) persistence (D) mischief
13. (A) And thus (B) Otherwise (C) Yet (D) So

III. Matching: 10% 
(A) where (B) vaulting (C) yet (D) project (E) composed 
(AB) those (AC) grandeur (AD) reticulated (AE) accretion (BC) which

In the 1970s, there was not the rash of ugly buildings around Tivoli that there is now. The ruins of Hadrian’s Villa, twice the size of __14__ of Pompeii, lay off the road, unannounced, on small tufa rises of orange soil, amid ancient olives, cypresses, and sculpted pine trees, with water trickling from pools and fountains. It rained intermittently. I took shelter under the half-collapsed domes and __15__, and in underground chambers. I read later that in 1803, Chateaubriand had visited the villa and had also been caught in the rain, taking refuge in the same places. “The fragments of masonry were garnished with the leaves of scolopendra,” he wrote in his description of his journey, “the satin verdure of __16__ appeared like mosaic work upon the white marble.”

The __17__ stones inset in the mortar of the walls, thick with wet moss, had blended together into one west and beautiful __18__, in the way that generations and their particular dramas blend with past and future ones, leaving patterns only: like different varieties of earth. The floors with their rich and muddy carpet of tesserae were a lesson in geology. The fragments of slate and marble parquetry offered colors subtler __19__. I remember a lone pillar so dark that it was like a diseased and veiny elephant trunk.Shattered domes revealed clouds of moving overhead in countless visions of eternity. It was a place made for silence and for contemplation, __20__ you wanted a book handy. Every corner was a cloister. No view was panoramic: each seemed deliberately __21__. 

For Hadrian, writes Eleanor Clark in a 1950 book, Rome and a Villa, the availability of water was more important than a dominant view.Hadrian’s Villa was the Versailles of the ancient world. In the remnants of apsidal niches, vestibules, colonnades, and pools, one can detect signs of an arranged __22__ absent in the Roman Forum, a mere warehouse of ruins in comparison to Tivoli. And while so much of Maximian’s villa in Casale spoke of vulgarity, here everything appeared more refined. Scholars compare the villa with Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello because the scenery in each place has been so deliberately managed. The villas was Hadrian’s personal __23__ to the same extent that Monticello was Jefferson’s.

IV. Discourse: 8% 
In October 1887, the steamer Vernon set sail from Michigan toward Chicago with about 50 people on board. Likely overloaded with cargo, she never made it. 24 In decades of Great Lakes shipping, more than 2,000 commercial vessels sank while traversing Lake Michigan’s waters.

Last summer, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) announced it had designated 962 square miles of the lake as a national marine sanctuary. The Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary contains the remains of 36 known shipwrecks, including the Vernon, and up to 59 potential shipwrecks that have yet to be discovered. 25 Researchers, shipwreck enthusiasts and coastal community leaders 
hope that the new sanctuary will spark renewed public interest not just in the wrecks themselves but in the waterways that made them. “For almost all of human history, the world has been connected by water, really, and separated by land,” said Russ Green, NOAA’s regional coordinator. “This is what makes the Great Lakes so special.”

The Vernon sank in deep water, and it was not until the summer of 1960 that John Steele and Kent Bellrichard discovered the wreck. Steele and Bellrichard hunted shipwrecks, using surplus military sonar technology, said Brendon Baillod, a maritime historian. They found the Vernon under about 200 feet of water, well preserved by the lake’s cool, fresh water. 26 Ships on the Great Lakes sailed loaded with iron, grain, lumber and coal, often into the late fall and winter, without modern navigation technology or weather forecasting. Some, like the Vernon, carried passengers. “Sailing was even riskier,” said Baillod. He estimates around 50,000 sailors died in the Great Lakes between 1850 and 1900. 27 But sailors were admired for their bravado, and they got paid in cash.
(A) The sanctuary is the first in Lake Michigan and only the second in the Great Lakes.
(B) But as archaeological resources, the wrecks have limited time.
(C) The Vernon’s fate was not unusual.
(D) Not all of them died in wrecks; some were felled by other occupational hazard, like falling from masts.
(E) Inside are wooden chalices stacked inside crates, bottles of wine, barrels of potatoes and apples, according to researchers.

V. Reading Comprehension 9% 
After wolves were nearly wiped out in Washington state by hunting, trapping and government extermination campaigns, they are beginning to make a comeback. Today, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW) kills wolves only when they have repeatedly killed cattle, a relative rare event, with about 80% of Washington wolf packs typically staying out of trouble with people. That brings us to the wolf that Ben Maletzke, statewide wolf specialist in the wildlife program for WDFW, likes to call The Old Guy:[Wolf 32M]. Wolf 32M lived some 12 years as the patriarch of the Teanaway pack, kicking off the recovery of wolves in Washington despite living in cattle country, amid ranchettes. He lost a mate to poachers, and the pack’s territory was roasted by wildfire in 2014. But still, Wolf 32M and his family persisted, bring the call of the wild back to the Central Cascades for the first time in a century. These wolves are what Maletzke calls stepping stones in recovery—the animals that could help lead the way to new territory not yet recolonized by wolves. Recovery is still in early states in Washington, with fewer than 200 wolves documented, and no statewide presence yet established.

 Wolves disperse to new territory to find mates and begin packs of their own. They have few predators, but they can be killed by other wolves defending a territory or a kill. It is this pack dynamic that wildlife biologists are counting on to urge wolves into areas where they do not presently live. Wolves do everything as a pack: hunting, eating, resting, traveling, and caring for their young. A lone wolf usually is in transition, looking for a new pack. Wolf recovery has been a flash point for environmentalists, ranchers and politicians on all sides of the issue. Restoring the wolf is about restoring balance to the system, for in Washington state, all is connected in the living system, one species to another. When a keystone predator is taken out of an ecosystem, it is not helpful. One thing all sides agree on: despite lethal removals, the wolves are going to keep coming. 

28. What is the passage mainly about? 
 (A) The pros and cons of wolf recovery
(B) A glimmer of hope of wolf recovery
(C) The ways in which wolves fight back
(D) The reason that contributes to wolf’s extinction

29. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? 
 (A) One of Wolf 32M’s mates was killed by government extermination campaign.
(B) For residents’ safety, wolves would be killed whenever they are seen by people.
(C) Wolves tend to move and live individually, except when they are mating.
(D) In a wolf society, males dominate.

30. What can be inferred from the passage? 
 (A) The ecosystem in Washington state would be benefited from the wolf recovery.
(B) The number of wolves in Washington state would be surging rapidly within a short period of time.
(C) Residents in Washington are highly concerned about wolf recovery.
(D) Government would be reluctant to be involved in the wolf recovery program.

 Part II: 非選擇題: 60% 本部分答案請寫在答案卷上 
I. 閱讀混合題: Instructions (1 5%)
請讀完下列文章,出 4 道符合 108 課綱閱讀素養概念的題目。選擇題為四選一的模式,簡答題或

The modern age has gifted us with plenty of luxuries and services at our very fingertips. A range of streaming services and contents has been greatly revolutionized and therefore become the most go-to entertainment options. Numerous streaming platforms have been vying for the spotlight. Among the most sought-after, Netflix and Disney Plus are the two giants stacking up in contents and values. They have been providing various shows and movies for the subscribers, yet they all come with a range of pros and cons.
 Disney chooses to focus on a single target for its streaming platform— young viewers. It is relatively budget-friendly and is a perfect choice for anyone who is already a fan of infamous Marvel, Disney, or Star Wars releases.

 Needless to say, Disney productions are always naturally family-oriented, high-quality, and encased with gripping storylines. Disney Plus includes a series of Disney Exclusives, most of which stand the test of time. Amazing 
documentaries are also available thanks to National Geographic, which can make Disney Plus great for viewers of all ages—not to mention that content is available in 4K HDR, mobile downloads, and are completely ad-free.

 However, the fact that these top-rated titles are original to Disney doesn’t necessarily mean they are unique—most people may have seen at least glimpses of these titles before, either in cinemas, online, or on other TV channels. Plus, having a variety of high-quality PG and G-rated contents can only be amazing for younger audiences, and loveably nostalgic for older viewers. While Nat Geo documentaries can be entertaining, Disney Plus does lack adult-tailored contents, and the exclusives are weekly releases, not binge-watch friendly.


Netflix is flaunting an extensive catalog of TV shows, movies, and even documentaries for viewers to enjoy. They have also been around for the longest and have become pioneers in terms of their unique streaming services. 

 Original TV shows and movies are a staple for Netflix, as they are firm concerning their additions of fresh content. They add at least one new Netflix Original movie each week, in addition to their wide selection of Netflix Original series.
 Another reason that makes Netflix so well-loved is the affordable subscription plans. The Standard package can meet the basic requirements for customers’ recreational arrangements.

 However, though original contents are crucial for hooking up customers with unique shows and titles, licensed programming is still an integral aspect in maintaining sign-ups and quality contents. Yet, many classic TV shows and titles are requiring more expensive licenses. Relying heavily on originals does have the potential to cause issues later down the line. While Netflix continues to surpass others in terms of viewership, they do lack legacy in this part. Netflix’s licensed library will continue to shrink as the battle for content ownership and licensing is an ongoing war amongst streaming services


2. The following is an example of some student’s composition. As an English teacher, please correct this 
composition, make a comment and provide your suggestions for this student.(15%)

提示:雖然台灣面積不大,但每個城市都有自己獨有的特色。你覺得你所居住 的城市最需要改變的地方是甚麼?請以此為題,寫一篇英文作文。第一段 介紹你所居住城市的人、事、物、文化、制度、自然環境等,並說明你 認為這裡需要什麼樣的改變?第二段敘述這個改變能帶給你的城市甚麼好處?

I lived in a city called Zhubei. It’s very convenient here, we have a departmentstore, a lot of restaurant, lots of park and so on. Furthermore, there is also a beachhere, when you’re filled up with stress you can take a drive to the beach to take alittle rest. The wind can blow all your stress away. But the more convenient the moreproblems come. For example, due to the department store there was always atraffic jam nearby. We needed to spend twice as much time as than we neededbefore. There is also some place need to improve is there are too many holes onthe street, when we drive threw the car will jump up and down. It’s very unconfortable to drive threw and there was not only a hole on a street, there are about 2~3 holes just on a street. Above are some places that I think Zhubei needed to improve.

There aren’t just shortcomings in Zhubei, there’re also advantages here. Because of there’re a lot of restaurant we don’t need to think what should we eat today. There are various kind of restaurant and find stands, you can have different type of food and won’t repeat for a week. If you have a kid you can bring them to the park, there are seesaw, slide, a big place for a picnic. Parents can sit under the tree and
have a little talk to each other and have rest, the kids can also have a lot of fun in the park. Taiwan isn’t big, but every city has its own special feature. There aren’t a perfect city, every city have its advantages and shortcomings, but if we improve them we can make this city better. 
3. A whole English class, perhaps, is every teacher’s dream and every student’s mecca. And here  we want to pick your brains on how to follow through the possibility of it. What problems do you think we might meet in the course of using all English in class? What feasible action, suggestions and practices we might take to carry it through? What optimum end goals you want to see? (15%)

4. Describe a challenging situation a homeroom teacher encountered in classroom management and how it was solved. (15%)




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國立臺北科大附屬桃園農工 111 學年度第一次教師甄試試卷

一、選擇題:每題 1 分,共 30 分 
1. 某生進行血液抹片觀察,他在一張血球的顯微相片中測量血球之大小,直尺的標示單位為公分,如附圖所示。老師要求報告中須提供所有顯微相片的最終放大倍率值,若依課本中所述紅血球細胞直徑約 7.5 微米(μm),則該生使用的顯微鏡放大倍率為多少? 
(A) 1000 (B) 400 (C) 200 (D) 40


2. 有關消化系統的敘述,下列何者正確? (A)唾液和腸液的消化酶皆可分解澱粉(B)胰液和膽汁皆可分解脂質 (C)胰液和膽汁分別以不同開口注入小腸 (D)腸液和膽汁中皆具 HCO3ㄧ以中和胃酸


3. 附圖顯示人體在一個心搏週期中左心房、左心室和主動脈壓力的變化情形,下列相關敘述何者正確?
(A) V→Y 時期,血液流入左心室
(B) W→X 時期,血液流入冠狀動脈 
(C) X→Y 時期,房室辦和半月瓣皆為開啟狀態 
(D) V→W 時期,房室辦和半月瓣皆為關閉狀


4. 有關生物體進行生殖的敘述,下列何者正確? 
(A)有性生殖的過程,均須進行減數分裂 (B)有性生殖的過程,均須有配子結合
(C)無性生殖的過程,均無須減數分裂 (D)無性生殖的過程,均無基因重組


5. 附圖是健康人體的腎元構造部分放大圖,下列相關敘述何者不正確? 
(A)1 3管壁為皆由單層細胞所組成 (B)12內皆含有蛋白質
(C)4 5皆為小動脈 (D)該構造僅位於腎臟皮質中


6. 下列何種細胞內,可以找到同源染色體? 
(A)百合的篩管細胞 (B)花生的子葉 (C)鼠的卵細胞 (D)兔子的次級精母細胞


7. 下列有關生物對環境適應之敘述,何者正確? (A)深海中缺乏光線,故不具生產者 (B)湖泊水深,生產者以大型水生
植物為主 (C)河口沼澤生態系的植物種類少,物種均勻度低 (D)在陸地以雨林的物種多樣性最高,海洋則屬大陸棚生


8. 附圖為玉米穗的橫剖面圖,依據圖判斷下列敘述何者正確? (A)甲是由孢子體發育而來
(B)乙是由合子發育而來 (C)丙是由胚乳核發育而來 (D)丁是由配子體發育而來


9. 蜂窩組織炎是細菌經皮膚傷口侵入,在組織空隙內滋長並釋放毒素,所引起局部組織的發炎反應。關於「蜂窩組織」的敘述何者正確? (A)屬於疏鬆結締組織 (B)屬於緻密結締組織 (C)位於表皮層 (D)位於真皮層


10. 生長於大陸塊的一小群昆蟲因颱風吹襲而登陸一陌生小島,這種昆蟲身體有數種色素 混雜分布,該島嶼遍布的白砂間,散生著綠色矮灌叢,灌叢上開著紅色花朵。在島上 該昆蟲只能以灌叢的葉子為食,島上有捕食此昆蟲的鳥類。經
過一長段時間後,在此島嶼上有可能觀察到下述何種情況? (A)昆蟲受分離型天擇作用,故體呈白色,躲在白砂之間 (B)昆蟲受穩定型天擇作用,故身體維持雜色,躲在枝條間 (C)昆蟲受方向型天擇作用,故體色偏綠,躲在葉片下 (D)昆蟲受到鳥類攻擊,改變食性,躲在沙堆下


11. 附圖為植物器官某部分橫切面之細胞分布示意圖,根據圖推斷下列敘述何者正確? (A)此植物至少已生長六年 (B)甲部位較己部位更早生成 (C)丙部位是在最冷的一年所生成 (D)庚和辛部位皆是由薄壁細胞構成


12. 下列哪一種疾病不需要胞毒性 T 細胞參與防禦以消滅其病原體? (A)B 型肝炎 (B)登革熱 (C)破傷風 (D)流行性感冒


13. 下列何者非是自營性生物? (A)藍菌 (B)硫化菌 (C)硝化菌 (D)根瘤菌


14. 下列何種分子會促進胃泌素分泌?又腸抑胃泌素主要由何種分子所刺激而分泌?
(A)多肽、多肽 (B)脂質、多肽 (C)多肽、脂質 (D)蛋白質、脂質


15. 下列何種激素之受體位於細胞內? (A)生長激素 (B)促腎上腺皮質素 (C)抗利尿素(D)葡萄糖皮質素


16. 附圖為人體心臟切面示意圖,甲~丁為不同的瓣膜, 下列相關敘述何者不正確? 
(A)丙最接近人體腹面 (B)乙有腱索附著 (C)甲和丙於心室收縮時關閉 (D)乙和丁會有充氧血經過


17. 成熟的紅血球需要 ATP 進行許多代謝作用。請問在成熟的紅血球中產生 ATP 的過程主要包含下列反應? (A)葡萄糖生成丙酮酸 (B)丙酮酸生成乳酸 (C)電子傳遞鏈 (D)檸檬酸循環


18. 若某種細菌有一個受抑制蛋白調控的操縱組,只有在環境中有果糖時才會表現,則下列何者是有關此操縱組的合理推論? (A)其構造基因應與果糖的合成有關 (B)其調節基因只有在果糖存在時才會表現 (C)此抑制蛋白在有果糖時不會與操縱組的操作子結合 (D)此抑制蛋白在沒有果糖時會與啟動子結合


19. 甲生用複式顯微鏡觀察人血液抹片標本,已知此抹片染色狀況正常,在某放大倍率下,視野中只有找到紅血球,並沒有找到白血球,下列處理方式,何者有利於甲生找到白血球? (A)調節光圈、降低視野亮度 (B)調節光圈、提高視野亮度 (C)更換為高倍率物鏡 (D)載玻片向左或向右移動


20-21 為題組


20. 關於植物卷鬚的相關敘述,下列何者不正確? (A)植物的卷鬚在演化上屬於趨同進化(B)主要由基本組織所構成 (C)具有維管束以輸導物質 (D)屬於中性突變的結果

21. 附圖為某種植株的部分構造,請該植物葉的類型為何?圖中甲為何種構造?
(A)單葉,葉鞘 (B)單葉,托葉 (C)複葉,葉鞘 (D)複葉,托葉


22-23 為題組


22. 附圖為細胞內構造的部分示意圖,有關圖中構造的敘述,何者不正確?(A)溶體可協助胞內消化的進行 (B)溶體可分解蛋白質複合體 (C)構造甲是經溶體外圍膜內陷被帶入溶體中 (D)構造乙是形成細胞自噬體包裹後送入溶體中

23. 細胞自噬作用完成後,最可能在哪裡找到細胞自噬體外膜的成分?
(A)內質網 (B)高基氏體 (C)溶體內 (D)溶體膜


24-25 為題組


24. 假設該張照片正確,請問該草莓最有可能是因為缺乏何種激素所造成?
(A)吉貝素 (B)細胞分裂素 (C)離層酸 (D)吲哚乙酸

25. 附圖中哪些部位的基因組合是一樣的? 
(A)甲和丁 (B)甲和丙 (C)丙和丁 (D)丁和乙


26-27 為題組 
物種在生態系中扮演基本的功能性角色,使生態系健全運作。例如生態系中之植物物種扮演由太陽取得系統運作的能量,並將碳固定的角色。假設物種 A 在生態系中消失,將使生態系缺少由物種 A 供能及供碳的部分能量,導致生態系之初級生產力下降。然而,生態系內若有類似之物種形成功能群,則透過功能互補之補償機制,暫時性消失的物種之功能可由其他物種所填補。可見生態系之多樣性將可維持其穩定度,或稱之為回復力。 

26. 下列何種因素變動會使生態系趨向較穩定之狀態? (A)春天植物之固碳量大輻上昇 (B)環境因子發生擾動 (C)優勢物種之族群大小增加 (D)群集之均勻度增加

27. 附圖為生態系穩定度相關的四個模型示意,横軸為生態系中之物種數,縱軸為生態系之初級生產力,下列敘述何者不正確?(圖 (L)「+」為生態系之取樣)
(A) I 之物種間具有最高的相互替代性 (B) J 之物種數高時,具有相互補償功能 (C) L 之物種數與生態系穩定度無關 (D) J 及 K 模型較 I 及 L 接近一般情況

28-30 為題組 
「葉克膜」是一種體外維生系統,全名是體外膜氧合器(ECMO)。葉克膜主要包括「血液幫浦」 和「膜氧合器」,也就是人工心臟和人工肺臟的組合,能短期替代病人的心臟和肺臟的功能,以待 心肺功能的修復或器官的移植。葉克膜可分為 VV 型和 VA 型兩種,VV 型為靜脈出、靜脈回,VA 型為靜脈出、動脈回。醫生可視病人心肺功能損傷狀況選擇不同形式的葉克膜。


28. 呼吸窘迫和心肌梗塞的病人分別常使用何種類型的葉克膜? (A) VV、VV (B) VV、VA (C) VA、VV (D) VA、VA

29. 血液在流經「膜氧合器」時,經由何種機制造成血液含氧量的增加? (A)紅血球對氧的主動運輸增加 (B)經由擴散作用讓血紅素與氧結合的程度增加 (C)經由機器的加壓作用將氧氣注入血漿中 (D)增加血液中血紅素的含量

30. 有一病人在裝置葉克膜後血壓恢復正常,但是卻出現貧血以及全身性的水腫現象,下列相關 敘述何者錯誤?
(A)病人的血液成分受到破壞 (B)病人需接受輸血補充紅血球,以改善貧血的現象 (C)病人的周邊小動脈產生栓塞,導致水腫 (D)病人的血液滲透壓過低,導致水腫




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桃園市立武陵高級中等學校 111 學年度第一學期第 1 次正式教師甄選
英文 科初試試題卷 
壹、單選題 (29%):請用 2B 鉛筆於電腦答案卡上畫記正確答案

I. Vocabulary (10%)
1. The ______wedding of Brooklyn Beckham and Nicola Peltz has been criticized for its extravagance and the astronomical amount spent on the wedding.
(A) blasphemous (B) comatose (C) egregious (D) ostentatious


2. Some people dismiss smoking pot as a(n) ______, not a major crime that should be punished severely.
(A) peccadillo (B) espionage (C) oblivion (D) bigotry


3. The old man is ______ about his good old days as a famous and popular actor, and he keeps talking about his youth constantly though no one recognizes him.
(A) luminous (B) meddlesome (C) nostalgic (D) morbid


4. Saying that the stock would be a(n) ______ investment, the broker advised his clients against purchasing it.
(A) officious (B) precarious (C) pretentious (D) obnoxious


5. The ______ politician always tried to pick up a fight with his opponents so as to seek attention, which resulted in his failure to win the re-election.
(A) patronizing (B) preposterous (C) insidious (D) pugnacious


6. She’s constantly followed by ______ assistants who will do anything she tells them to so as to please her.
(A) obsequious (B) lugubrious (C) mercurial (D) mordant


7. His angry comments would only ______ tensions in the negotiation process between the two nations.
(A) preclude (B) acclimatize (C) exacerbate (D) pontificate


8. Xi Jinping is regarded by many as a(n) ______ to Putin’s war of aggression and the mastermind in 
undermining the existing liberal world order.
(A) martinet (B) emissary (C) raiment (D) accomplice


9. The Cannes Film Festival and its requisite parade of beauty looks are here to remind onlookers that ______style is back.
(A) inordinate (B) abstemious (C) sumptuous (D) derogatory


10. Julia Child remains the grande dame of American ______, a towering icon against whom few can compare in stature and influence.
(A) quandary (B) malevolence (C) gastronomy (D) repudiation


II. Discourse (9%)
Diabetes occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to maintain a normal concentration of the sugar glucose in the blood. In ___(11)___ cases, the blood-glucose concentration is very high, and large amounts of glucose are excreted in the urine. Primary diabetes has two forms: insulin-dependent and non insulin-dependent, both caused by ___(12)___ and genetic factors. Pancreas removal or damage causes ___(13)___ diabetes.

Insulin-dependent diabetes generally starts in childhood and is characterized by serious insulin deficiency, probably due to the ___(14)___ of the insulin—secretin cells of the pancreas. Without insulin, the person develops ketoacidosis, high levels of ketone bodies in the blood, causing lowered blood pH and possible heart failure, and coma caused by the very high blood glucose levels.

The non insulin-dependent form usually occurs in people over age 40. These people have higher-thannormal levels of insulin but are___(15)___ to its action; ketoacidosis is rare. Obesity can impair insulin action, so obese people are predisposed to this form of diabetes, ___(16)___ are populations that have recently adopted Western processed-food diets. Some women develop elevated glucose levels during pregnancy, called gestational diabetes. Glucose levels may return to normal after ___(17)___, but they have an increased risk of developing non insulin-dependent diabetes in the future.

The ___(18)___ of diabetes treatment is to restore blood glucose levels to normal. For obese people with non insulin-dependent diabetes, the treatment of choice is weight loss. If this does not ___(19)___, oral hypoglycemic agents, which act by stimulating the pancreas to secrete additional insulin, or insulin injections are required. People with insulin-dependent diabetes usually receive one or two daily injections of slowly 
absorbed insulin.

(A) secondary (B) destruction (C) suffice (D) birth
(E) environmental (AB) observation (AC) severe (AD) drawback
(AE) as (BC) nor (BD) resistant (BE) objective


III. Reading Comprehension (10%)
Close at hand is a bridge over the River Thames, an admirable vantage ground for us to make a survey.■ (A) The river flows beneath; barges pass, laden with timber, bursting with corn; there on one side are the domes and spires of the city; on the other, Westminster and the Houses of Parliament. It is a place to stand on by the hour, dreaming. But not now. Now we are pressed for time. ■ (B) Now we are here to consider facts; now we must fix our eyes upon the procession—the procession of the sons of educated men.

There they go, our brothers who have been educated at public schools and universities, mounting those steps, passing in and out of those doors, ascending those pulpits, preaching, teaching, administering justice, practicing medicine, transacting business, making money. It is a solemn sight always—a procession, like a caravanserai crossing a desert. … But now, for the past twenty years or so, it is no longer a sight merely, a photograph, or fresco scrawled upon the walls of time, at which we can look with merely an esthetic appreciation. ■(C) For there, trapesing along at the tail end of the procession, we go ourselves. And that makes a difference. We who have looked so long at the pageant in books, or from a curtained window watched educated men leaving the house at about nine-thirty to go to an office, returning to the house at about sixthirty from an office, need look passively no longer. We too can leave the house, can mount those steps, pass in and out of those doors, … make money, administer justice. …We who now agitate these humble pens may in another century or two speak from a pulpit.

Nobody will dare contradict us then; we shall be the mouthpieces of the divine spirit—a solemn thought, is it not? Who can say whether, as time goes on, we may not dress in military uniform, with gold lace on our breasts, swords at our sides, and something like the old family coal-scuttle on our heads, save that that venerable object was never decorated with plumes of white horsehair. ■(D)You laugh—indeed the shadow of the private house still makes those dresses look a little queer. We have worn private clothes for so long. … But we have not come here to laugh, or to talk of fashions—men’s and women’s. We are here, on the bridge, to ask ourselves certain questions. And they are very important questions; and we have very little time in which to answer them. The questions that we have to ask and to answer about that procession during this moment of transition are so important that they may well change the lives of all men and women forever. For we have to ask ourselves, here and now, do we wish to join that procession, or don’t we? On what terms shall we join that procession? Above all, where is it leading us, the procession of educated men? 

The moment is short; it may last five years; ten years, or perhaps only a matter of a few months longer. …But, you will object, you have no time to think; you have your battles to fight, your rent to pay, your bazaars to organize. That excuse shall not serve you, Madam. As you know from your own experience, and there are facts that prove it, the daughters of educated men have always done their thinking from hand to mouth; not under green lamps at study tables in the cloisters of secluded colleges. They thought while they stirred the pot, while they rocked the cradle. It was thus that they won us the right to our brand-new sixpence. It falls to us 
now to go on thinking; how are we to spend that sixpence? Think we must. Let us think in offices; in omnibuses; while we are standing in the crowd watching Coronations and Lord Mayor’s Shows; let us think … in the 
gallery of the House of Commons; in the Law Courts; let us think at baptisms and marriages and funerals. Let us never cease from thinking—what is this “civilization” in which we find ourselves? What are these ceremonies and why should we take part in them? What are these professions and why should we make money out of them? Where in short is it leading us, the procession of the sons of educated men? 

20. What is the main purpose of this passage?
(A) to present how critical an issue is.
(B) to highlight the social division in that era.
(C) to challenge the workability of an undertaking. 
(D) to remind women of how important a tradition is.

21. The author indicates that the procession in the passage
(A) has clearly become a celebrated feature every year. 
(B) also includes some women in certain uniforms at its end.
(C) has been less restricted in its exclusion of members.
(D) sparks a lot of questions as to whether it should continue to exist. 

22. Which sentence best supports your answer to the previous question? 
(A) Sentence (A) (“The…. Parliament.”)
(B) Sentence (B) (“Now…...men.”)
(C) Sentence (C) (“For……ourselves.”)
(D) Sentence (D) (“You…queer.”)
23. In the passage, the author chooses the location of the bridge because it
(A) is a perfect place to fantasize a dream for a bright future for women.
(B) symbolizes a transition of the past and present situations in England. 
(C) is within the setting of the historic past events the author refers to. 
(D) commands a good view of the procession of the sons of the educated men. 

24. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the figurative “sixpence” mentioned in the passage?
(A) luxury
(B) freedom
(C) tolerance
(D) recompens



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桃園市立武陵高級中等學校 111 學年度第一學期第 1 次正式教師甄選
 表演藝術 科初試試題卷 選擇題(每題 1 分,共計 50 分)

1. 在 COVID-19 疫情的衝擊下,全世界的表演藝術幾乎被迫停擺,線上演出已成為無法擋的趨勢,然而線上演出的困境,下列何者為非?(A)表演團體憂心此舉影響民眾進劇場的意願(B)沒有可行的商業機制創造營收 (C)線上觀看演出無法取代現場體驗(D)表演藝術搬到線上的重點在創造觀眾的新體驗與改變表演藝術界對於線上「新現場」的想法。


2. 國劇又稱為「京劇」,京劇表演的四種藝術手法,也是京劇表演四項基本功,下列何者為非?
(A) 亮相,指舞蹈化的形體動作 (B) 武打,指武打和翻跌的技藝 (C) 念白,指具有音樂性的念白 (D) 唱工,指演唱。


3. 我傳統戲曲各個劇種都有其特殊性,值得保存與傳承。下列各劇種對應之名伶何者錯誤?
(A) 京劇 / 魏海敏 (B )豫劇 / 孫麗翠 (C) 歌仔戲 / 唐美雲 (D )崑曲 / 溫宇航。


4. 2022TIFA 演出,下列何者是線上演出? (A)迪米特里.帕派約安努 《NOWHERE》 (B)臺灣 TAI 身體劇場✕印尼艾可舞團《AriAri》《Ita》 (C)《狂想.不止》室內樂音樂會(D)雲門舞集 鄭宗龍《霞》。


5. 關於戲曲術語的解釋,下列何者有誤? (A) 砌末:舞臺上的大小道具 (B) 行頭:演員演出時的服裝道具 (C) 軸子:一場折子戲演出中作為軸心的主要劇目(D) 壓軸:舊時演出中預定的劇目以外臨時增加的劇目。


6. 由法國前衛獨立女歌手 SOKO 聯手好萊塢巨星強尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)之女莉莉蘿絲·戴普(Lily-Rose Depp)演出電影《狂舞摯愛》(The Dancer),講述 19 世紀哪位現代舞先驅?(A)瑪莎·葛蘭姆(Martha Graham) (B)洛伊·富勒(Loie Fuller) (C)瑪麗‧魏格曼(Mary Wigman)(D)碧娜‧鮑許(Pina Bausch)。


7. 雷姆・庫哈斯早年曾以「Social Condenser(微型社會凝聚器)」說明他的建築的特質,用「難以承受的樂園」疊印了多重的現實面向與多樣的狂譫想像。以創意為活水,創造流動,活絡表演藝術的動能,更為年經藝術家創造一個激發潛能的新舞台。請問這位建築師所蓋出的劇場是? (A)台中國家歌劇院 (B)臺北表演藝術中心 (C)衛武營國家藝術文化中心 (D)國立傳統藝術中心。


8. 以下傳統戲博物館地點哪一間不位於北部? (A) 皮影戲博物館 (B) 台原亞洲偶戲博物館(C) 李天祿布袋戲文物館 (D) 台灣偶戲館。


9. 臺灣舞蹈家劉鳳學的作品《布蘭詩歌》是屬於哪一種風格的舞蹈? (A) 唐樂舞 (B) 中國古典舞 (C) 現代舞 (D) 原住民舞蹈。


10. 下列哪一部紀錄片電影主要在拍攝臺灣舞蹈家林麗珍的創作歷程,藉由訪談紀錄編舞家三十年間不同的作品樣貌? (A)《行者》 (B)《行草》 (C)《無垢》 (D)《緩行中的漫舞》。


11. 藝術是社會與文化的重要活動,不但具有自身的發展過程、特性及價值,也在各領域不同的活動中扮演著中介的觸媒角色。表演藝術在實踐上,能以創作、鑑賞、展演等機制,為不同領域醞釀多元思維。因此在教育場域中,以表演藝術推動跨領域課程,能為各學科的教學帶來何種效益?(A)活化教學現場 (B)潛移默化學生的美感素養(C) 讓擁有不同特質的孩子都能發展興趣與潛能 (D)以上皆是。


12. 根據十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校藝術領綱科目課程綱要課程目標四、培養主動參加藝術與文化活動的興趣和習慣,體會生命與藝術文化的關係與價值。是指學習構面中的? (A)表現 (B)鑑賞 (C)實踐 (D)以上皆非。


13. 美國現代舞先驅聖‧丹尼斯發展出的「音樂視覺化」(Music Visualization)舞蹈,是受到誰的影響? (A) 德沙特(Francois Delsarte) (B) 達克羅茲(Emil Jacques-Dalcroze)(C) 魯道夫‧拉邦(Ludolf von Laban) (D) 摩斯‧康寧漢(Merce Cunningham)。


14. 下列何者是因應十八世紀人們普遍認為,人類本性中富有惻隱、同情和憐憫等感情,並強調這些高貴感情的戲劇風格? (A) 時尚喜劇(the comedy of manners) (B) 計謀喜劇(comedy of intrigue) (C) 感傷喜劇(sentimental comedy) (D) 英雄悲劇(heroic tragedy)。


15. 下列何齣作品和皮藍德婁(Luigi Pirandello)的《六個尋找作者的劇中人》(Six Characters in Search of an Author)同屬「劇中劇」的戲劇結構? (A) 高行健的《八月雪》 (B) 姚一葦的《申生》 (C) 曹禺的《北京人》 (D) 賴聲川的《暗戀桃花源》。


16. 日本導演黑澤明的《蜘蛛巢城》電影改編自哪一個莎士比亞劇本? (A) 馬克白 (B) 仲夏夜之夢 (C) 李爾王 (D) 理查三世。


17. 波蘭劇場導演葛羅托斯基(Jerzy Grotowski)的演員訓練方法影響了臺灣的哪個劇場?(A) 表演工作坊 (B) 果陀劇場 (C) 優劇場 (D) 屏風表演班。


18. 一群演員,在沒有劇本的情況下,一起站上舞台,從現場觀眾提供的建議開始合作演出稱為? (A)喜劇 (B)默劇 (C)荒謬劇 (D)即興劇。


19. 被人們與愛因斯坦相提並論,對舞蹈做有系統的動作分析,對英國、德國現代舞有重大影響,並對舞蹈教學評論有很大的貢獻的早期現代舞家是? (A)魯道夫拉邦 (B)露絲.聖丹妮絲 (C)依莎朵拉鄧肯 (D)路易芙樂。


20. 義大利文藝復興時期,塞里歐 (Sebastiano Serilo) 根據古羅馬建築師的劇場概念,以 透視法設計了三種必要的佈景舞台,有悲劇佈景舞台、喜劇佈景舞台以及哪種舞台? (A) 道德劇佈景舞台 (B) 神秘劇佈景舞台 (C) 田園劇佈景舞台 (D) 神蹟劇佈景舞台。


21. 《血的回憶》一書中述及「舞蹈的工具是人的身體,動作則是它的媒介」,認為「脊椎是人類的生命之樹」這本書是誰的自傳? (A) 瑪莎‧葛蘭姆(Martha Graham) (B) 朵麗絲‧韓福瑞(Doris Humphrey) (C) 荷西‧李蒙((José Limon) (D) 洛依‧富 樂(Loie Fuller)。


22. 受新冠病毒疫情影響,世界各地劇場皆暫停演出,而以下那個機構於疫情期間,每週播映一齣戲劇,提供觀眾線上免費觀看一週,並開放募款贊助? (A) 英國國家劇院(National Theatre) (B) 莎士比亞環球劇場(Globe Theater) (C) 法國陽光劇團(Theatre du Soleil) (D) 美國百老匯劇院(Broadway Theater)。


23. 下列 20 世紀重要劇作家與其作品的配對,何者錯誤? (A) 田納西‧威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)《慾望街車》(A Street Car Named Desire) (B) 布萊希特 (Berthold Brecht)《進入黑夜的漫長旅程》(Long Day's Journey into Night) (C) 貝克特(Beckett)《等待果陀》(Waiting For Godot) (D) 亞瑟‧米勒(Arthur Miller)《推銷員之死》(Death of a Salesman)。


24. 舞臺劇「西貢小姐」在舞臺上有哪一大創舉?(A)完成 3D 投影 (B)衝破牆壁 (C)直昇機降下舞臺 (D)首次完成戶外演出。


25. 「透過語言、肢體、文字、圖像、藝術等多種媒介而傳遞出不同訊息,將自己無形的想法、知識、情感具體展現出來」稱之為 (A) 表達力 (B) 想像力 (C) 創造力 (D) 表演力。


26. 西方的戲劇特別強調展現事物或事件的真實性,即所謂「真實的再現」,此一概念是在哪一學說中所強調的? (A) 重現說 (B) 模仿說 (C) 渾沌說 (D) 實踐說。

27. 自 2014 年推出後就大受好評及空前賣座的百老匯音樂劇,2015 年獲得葛萊美獎最佳音樂劇專輯、普利茲戲劇獎及 11 項東尼獎。這一部關於美國開國元勳的音樂劇,名為 (A) 《漢彌爾頓》( Hamilton ) (B) 《一個美國人在巴黎》( An American in Paris) (C) 《致埃文漢森》( Dear Evan Hansen ) (D) 《南太平洋》( South Pacific )。


28. 英國維多利亞女王時期,不允許舞臺上出現女性演員,所以劇本中的女性角色,大多由男性演員扮演。莎士比亞也經常運用反串的效果在作品中,下列哪一個作品是運用性別反串造成誤會而寫成的戲劇作品? (A)《第十二夜(Twelfth Night)》 (B)《溫莎的風流婦人》(The Merry Wives of Windsor) (C)《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice) (D)《暴風雨》(The Tempest)。


29. 下列何者不是一人一故事劇場的演出形式? (A) 三句話 (B) 一對對 (C) 流動塑像 (D) 坐針氈。


30. 提出「每一個人都擁有「知識」、「情感」和「意志」三股內在驅力,可以被用來統合演員的各種身心元素和技術以進入最佳表演狀態。」的表演理論家是 (A) 鈴木忠志 (B) 葛羅托夫斯基(Grotowski) (C) 貝托爾特‧布萊希特(Bertolt Brecht) (D) 康斯坦丁‧史坦尼斯拉夫斯基(Konstantin Stanislavski)。


31. 將臺灣的藝陣舞蹈(如跳鼓、車鼓、八家將、婆姐、布馬、七響等)融匯為民族舞作《慶神醮》,進而揚威國際的編舞家為下列何者? (A)蔡瑞月 (B)蔡麗華 (C)楊懷民 (D)許振榮。


32. 黑光劇 (A)又稱作「幻像劇」(B)將燈光和色彩作特殊處理,營造出奇幻、亮麗的舞台效果 (C)杯子劇團是國內唯一的黑光劇團 (D)以上皆是。


33. 下列何者為非? (A)在傳統戲曲中,「劇場」稱之為勾欄 (B) 傳統布袋戲的舞臺稱之為彩樓 (C) 台灣一般在土地公廟或其他的神明廟廣場臨時搭建的舞台稱作露臺(D) 劇場一詞在古希臘意為「看的場所」。


34. 教育戲劇學家布萊恩‧威(Brain Way)認為戲劇學習的應用是個人成長的必要部分,在一般教育中必須採用戲劇作為練習,也就是: (A)美感教育 (B)全人教育 (C)品德教育(D)藝術教育。


35. 關於「被壓迫者劇場」下列何者為非? (A)奧古斯圖.波瓦所倡導的實踐劇場 (B) 將「觀眾」(spectator)轉化為「觀—演者」(spect—actor),進而成為「演員」(actor)的過程(C) 通過敘事(Narrative)創作、多元對話(Dialog)、反思(Reflection)與行動(Action)四項元素成就和人們一起行動相互陪伴、激盪碰撞、對話和轉化生命的解放教育歷程 (D)人對自己或別人對他的經驗所做的敘述(說和寫),足以充分呈現他真實的生活經驗。


36. 「莎士比亞不插電」系列作品是由哪一個劇團推出的? (A) 優人神鼓 (B) 台南人劇團 (C) 紙風車劇團 (D) 漢唐樂府。


37. Ballet 這個名詞來自於義大利文 Ballo,也就是 (A)隊形 (B)社交 (C)表演 (D)跳舞 的意思。


38. 拍攝《火車進站》、使用活動電影機將自己拍攝的膠片《工廠大門》放映至銀幕的電影放映機 發 明 人 是 下 列 何 者 ? (A) 愛德沃德·邁布里奇 (Eadweard James Muybridge) (B) 喬治·梅里葉 (Georges Méliès) (C) 路易斯·艾梅·奧古斯汀·雷·普林斯 (Louis AiméAugustin Le Prince) (D) 盧米埃爾兄弟 (Repas de bébé)。


39. 第 19 屆台新藝術獎年度大獎的得獎者與作品為下列何者? (A) 葉名樺《牆後的院宅》 (B) 人力飛行劇團《感傷旅行》 (C) 阮劇團《皇都電姬》 (D) 沙丁龐客劇團《白蛇?! —小丑們的終局之戰》。

40. 源自伊斯蘭教的「蘇菲教派」,主張以舞蹈及音樂進行靈修,進而達到與真主接觸結合的目的,下列何者為其靈修的方式之一? (A) 卡塔克舞 (B) 巴龍舞 (C) 戰舞 (D) 旋轉舞。


41. 「我可以選取任何一個空間,稱它為空盪的舞臺,一個人在別人的注視下走過這個 空間,這就足以構成一幕戲劇了」,此句話為何人所說? (A) 亞陶 (Antonin Artaud) (B) 卡山(Elia Kazan) (C) 布魯克 (Peter Brook) (D) 左拉 (Emile Zola) 。


42. 以地心引力的自然定律及德國哲學家尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)的觀點發展出「跌落 與回復」(Fall and Recovery)舞蹈技巧理論的現代舞蹈家為何者? (A) 瑪莎‧葛蘭姆 (Martha Graham)(B) 多麗絲‧韓福瑞 (Doris Humphrey) (C) 查爾斯‧魏德曼 (Charles Weidman) (D) 伊莎朵拉‧鄧肯 (Isadora Duncan)。


43. 2017 與 2021 年由台灣國樂團演出的《凍水牡丹》,是取材哪一位表演者的生命故事? 
 (A) 古名伸 (B) 羅曼菲 (C) 廖瓊枝 (D) 洪瑞襄。


44. 「陣頭」常擺在廟會陣式最前端,又常分為文陣和武陣。請問,下列何者不是屬於武陣?
 (A)牛犁陣 (B)宋江陣 (C)旗陣 (D)高蹺陣。


45. 「身心學」(Somatics)是一門探究身心關係和體悟身體智慧的經驗科學,一位教師對身體的態度與人體動作的認知,會深遠地影響其教學、訓練、表演及創作,請問下列何者技巧非屬於身心技法? (A)操体技巧(So-tai Technique) (B) 芭特尼芙基本動作(Bartenieff’s Fundamental)(C)李蒙技巧(Limon Technique)(D)亞歷山大技巧(Alexander Technique)。


46. 「霹靂國際多媒體」所產製的霹靂布袋戲劇集,成功開創出臺灣特有的布袋戲文化經濟,其主要成功要素下列何者為非? (A) 企業化經營 (B) 創意行銷 (C) 固守傳統 (D) 周邊產品創造經濟效益。


47. 原創華文音樂劇《木蘭少女》,編劇是(A)王希文(B)呂柏伸 (C)蔡柏璋 (D)紀蔚然。


48. 下列何者不是教育劇場(Theatre-in-Education)時常用的技巧及方法? (A)坐針氈 (B)名作導讀 (C)論壇 (D)教師入戲。


49. 下列關於教習劇場(TIE)的敘述何者為非? (A) 教習劇場的理論基礎來自於亞里斯多德的「詩學」(B) 波瓦和布萊希特對劇場的想法影響了教習劇場的運作方式 (C) TIE 中演教員的角色近似老師引導學生學習的成分 (D) 台南人劇場將 TIE 正式引入,之後並連續自創了幾部 TIE 的本土作品。


50. 哪一個劇團建立臺灣第一個「紅鼻子醫生」小丑醫生團隊,為病童與家屬帶來歡笑? 
 (A) 紙風車劇團 (B) 沙丁龐克劇團 (C) 優人神鼓 (D) 台南人劇團




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臺中市立文華高級中等學校 111 學年度第 1 次教師甄選

一、選擇題 (共 50 分) 
I. Vocabulary (12%)

1. It was stunning when the YouTuber introduced the _______ sea-facing apartment, which was worth more than two billion dollars.
(A) viable (B) finite (C) lavish (D) rigid


2. When the boundary dispute between these two countries _______, an imminent war seems to be unavoidable.
(A) culminates (B) navigates (C) reconciles (D) extricates


3. A meeting which was scheduled today has been postponed due to the sudden _______ of the chairperson. His death came as a great shock to everyone.
(A) attire (B) quiver (C) demise (D) valve


4. In the Greek mythology, Prometheus tricked Zeus for mankind’s benefit, thus _______ his wrath, and he then was severely punished.
(A) incurring (B) hitching (C) lamenting (D) shafting


5. The senator, who looked gentle and upright, was accused of _______. It appalled everyone that he had set fire to the house of a witness, who just saw him hit and run the night before.
(A) arson (B) incest (C) despotism (D) nepotism


6. To make her pronunciation more _______, my sister watched English TV series, listened to the characters speak carefully, and imitated their pronunciation line by line. Now, she speaks without any accent.
(A) impalpable (B) impeccable (C) impetuous (D) implacable


7. In most countries, people reaching the legal age have the right to vote. However, _______ was not available for women until the late 19th century and became universal after WWI.
(A) alimony (B) autonomy (C) custody (D) suffrage


8. The company’s announcement of the new construction project has received _______ support from local residents, so it is rumored that the executive team is considering canceling it.
(A) sedentary (B) germane (C) lukewarm (D) vehement


9. Do you know there’s a(n) _______ in this non-fiction best-seller? It is mentioned that nuclear weapons were produced in the early 18th century.
(A) euphemisms (B) metabolism (C) anachronism (D) hooliganism


測驗說明:本測驗共有兩部分,含選擇題及非選擇題。選擇題共計 40 題,共 50分,答案請劃記在答案卡上。非選擇題共 2 大題,共 50 分,答案請直接寫在答案卷上,並請清楚標記題號。

10. At the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, all jury members were fascinated by Bong Joon-ho’s black comedy thriller Parasite. During the discussion, they reached a _______ agreement that the film was the best among all the films in competition and should be awarded the highest prize.
(A) capricious (B) tenacious (C) unanimous (D) veracious


11. My supervisor’s tendency to _______ makes him an unsuitable leader of the group. Unfortunately, my boss can’t see his indecisiveness and still entrusts him with several important projects.
(A) subjugate (B) vacillate (C) patronize (D) incarcerate


12. At first, we started playing the audio book in our car out of boredom during the 3-hour ride, but we ended up being so _______ by it that we couldn’t leave the car when arriving at the destination.
(A) concocted (B) enthralled (C) thwarted (D) gnawed

II. Cloze Test (10%)
Islands are considered natural laboratories to study evolutionary questions. One of the most striking patterns described on islands is the 13 for species to become giants or dwarfs in comparison with mainland relatives. Dwarf hippos and elephants in the Mediterranean islands, or even our miniature relative Homo floresiensis on the Indonesian island of Flores, are examples of dwarfism. 14 , small mainland species may evolve into giants after colonizing islands, giving rise to such oddities as the St Kilda field mouse (twice the size of its mainland ancestor), the infamous dodo of Mauritius (a giant pigeon), and the Komodo dragon. While this phenomenon was first described by Foster back in 1964, it took a few years until Van Valen 15 the term ‘island rule’ in 1973. Yet, whether the island rule is a term to describe occasional evolutionary 16 or a more general phenomenon has been a subject of much debate. Hundreds of studies in the last 40 years either supported or rejected the rule, providing no clear 17 . Perhaps most concerningly, a systematic review published in 2018 suggested there were strong author-related biases in the way that the island rule was supported or rejected, with clusters of authors consistently supporting or not supporting the hypothesis. 
13. (A) terrain (B) textile (C) thrust (D) tendency

14. (A) In other words (B) On the other hand (C) As an alternative (D) On top of that

15. (A) coined (B) scraped (C) undid (D) mashed

16. (A) knacks (B) latitudes (C) flukes (D) parleys

17. (A) consensus (B) repertoire (C) incidence (D) eloquence


Can brain size increase your chance of survival? According to a recent research based on the crania of 291 existing mammals and 50 similar ones whose owners went extinct during the Late Quaternary, having a smaller brain predisposed the relevant species 18 extinction,. The researchers’ conclusion may sound intuitive: Big-brained animal adapts or gets out of the way. But there’s much more to the story. It’s not a given that a big brain 19 evolutionary advantage. Big brains actually come at a cost because of the amount of energy they consume. Also, big-brained animals tend to live longer and have fewer offspring 20 they make more of an investment of 
time and effort—this can diminish survival probability under pressure. 21 , species with bigger brains would theoretically be more flexible in their behavior and more competent to cope with the rapidly changing conditions in the Late Quaternary. In other words, the conditions selected for the smartest of the pack. This theory is supported by evidence that among birds and mammals today, relatively large brains have been found to improve 22 in novel conditions and when the animal is threatened, thanks to behavioral flexibility. It seems that brain size does matter.
18. (A) on (B) from (C) to (D) for
19. (A) confers (B) refers (C) infers (D) defers
20. (A) which (B) in which (C) who (D) with whom
21. (A) Accordingly (B) Furthermore (C) That said (D) Above all
22. (A) convertibility (B) accountability (C) manipulability (D) survivability

III. Contextual Matching (8%)

(A) anomaly (B) consortium (C) contracted (D) harbor (E) harnessed
(AB) hunt for (AC) mutations (AD) subject (BC) suggested (BD) put forward

Are some people resistant to COVID-19? After dodging COVID-19 several times during the pandemic, flight attendant Angeliki Kaoukaki wondered if she was a medical 23 . But she’s possibly among a small group of people who might have genetic resistance to the virus. Scientists are now racing to understand how such resistance to COVID-19 could work—and whether the trait can be 24 to develop new drugs against the disease.

Kaoukaki had already worked alongside other cabin crew members who tested positive without getting sick herself. Then in July 2021 Kaoukaki’s partner 25 a severe case of COVID-19 with high fever and unbearable pain that lasted nearly 10 days. Kaoukaki showed no symptoms, despite the fact that the pair isolated together for two weeks in their studio apartment in Athens, Greece. 

She continued to test negative on multiple PCR and rapid antigen tests, and a test she took 23 days after her partner’s confirmed infection 26 no antibodies in her blood.

“Every day I heard [from doctors] that maybe you have COVID,” she says, “but again and again, I tested negative.”

Despite both being vaccinated, her partner got COVID-19 again during the Omicron wave in January. Kaoukaki isolated with him for five days and again showed no symptoms and continued to 
test negative for the virus. That’s when she began to 27 an explanation.An online article led her to Evangelos Andreakos, an immunologist at the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens. He is part of an international 28 called the COVID Human Genetic Effort that has been looking for genetic variations that might reveal why some people never get COVID-19. 

Although Andreakos and his colleagues didn’t expect to find many such individuals for their study, they were overwhelmed with emails from at least 5,000 volunteers worldwide with stories similar to Kaoukaki’s. Using saliva samples from the 20 percent of people who met their study criteria, Andreakos and his team will be scanning the protein-coding regions of genes in their DNA to spot any 29 that may be absent in the genetic sequences from patients who had severe or moderate cases of COVID-19. The hope is that some of these people 30 the secret to COVID-19 resistance.

“We expect it to be a rare population,” Andreakos says. “But there are precedents.”

IV. Reading Comprehension (20%)
The Ministry of Education in 2019 implemented a 12-year compulsory curriculum, also called the “108 curriculum.” Under the scheme, university admission requires not only taking the General Scholastic Ability Test, but also submitting an electronic learning portfolio, which includes records of courses, extracurricular activities and a catalog of experiences that a student acquires during the final three years of high school.

The portfolio is meant to reduce emphasis on test-oriented education by relieving the pressure of achieving high marks on exams. It is meant to help students present themselves to universities in the way a resume presents the best side of a person to an employer. This means that students need to begin exploring their interests and passions early in their high-school years by taking part in activities and groups.

The National Federation of Teachers’ Unions had concerns. For example, it said that National Taipei University of Technology was using the learning portfolio to create a commodity. The school was reportedly offering a five-day course priced at NT$8,000 to teach students how to prepare their portfolio documents and perform in an oral interview.

Although the university pulled the course from its Web site, the course was criticized for contravening admission ethics and turning the portfolio into an “arms race.” Parents, teachers and students have shared concerns about the necessity and fairness of the portfolio since it was launched. One criticism is that the portfolio favors wealthy families who can pay to put their children through elite extracurricular activities. Students from affluent families could send their children abroad to study during summer breaks, or enroll them in courses that offer respected certificates. Another concern is that families in urban areas are said to have an advantage over those 
in rural regions, given the opportunities and resources available in cities. A gap between private and public education also provides uncertainty. Private schools reportedly put more effort into motivating students to build their portfolios, partly by requiring a minimum number of activities to be completed each semester. Teachers have concerns about how to coach students to write the reflections and essays the portfolio requires. Others wonder how seriously university professors would consider these writings during the admissions process.

For students, their workload becomes more burdensome. They must juggle academic subjects while feeling required to feign passion in subjects in which they might have no interest. In other cases, students might feel compelled to divert energy away from their true interests, and toward more rigorous clubs and activities that might look better in their portfolio. One student said that the submission process was like turning their life into a story that could be compared with those of their peers.

While the portfolio of the “108 curriculum” was designed with good intentions, the ministry must monitor how the program is carried out, and whether its unintended consequences outweigh its proposed benefits.

31. How does the author shift the tones throughout the article?
(A) Judgmental → Apprehensive → Impartial → Sympathetic.
(B) Judgmental → Sympathetic → Apprehensive → Impartial.
(C) Impartial → Judgmental → Apprehensive → Sympathetic.
(D) Impartial → Apprehensive → Sympathetic → Judgmental.

32. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “contravening” in the fourth paragraph?
(A) To do something that a law or rule does not allow.
(B) To think that someone has done something wrong.
(C) To prevent something from continuing as expected.
(D) To intentionally become involved in a difficult situation.


In 2019, as Americans tuned in to the final episode of Game of Thrones, Japan was indulging in the world of a television hit, I Will Not Work Overtime, Period!. The TV show features a heroine,Yui Higashiyama, a 30-something project manager who wants nothing more than to get out of the office on time and into her favorite bar for happy hour. This rocks the fictional web design firm 
where she works—how could she dare to leave work at 6 p.m. sharp? 

In Japan, workers put in some of the world’s longest hours. In 2017 alone, over a quarter of the country’s full-time employees worked an average of more than 49 hours a week, according to a government report, effectively working six out of seven days. In some extreme cases, that commitment to the workplace can lead to death. In 2017, government data showed, overwork claimed 190 lives—in the form of exhaustion, heart attacks, suicides—a figure that has stayed more or less constant over the last decade.

The reasons people work so much are complex, said Yoshie Komuro, chief executive of Work Life Balance, a consulting firm that helps employers reduce their employees’ overtime. In addition to cultural attitudes about the value of hard work, some employers reduce costs by relying on overtime, and employees work longer hours for the extra pay and to please the boss—promotions often depend more on time spent at a desk than actual productivity. “I was extremely conscious that taking a break meant slacking off,” said Kaeruko Akeno, a writer whose novel inspired the show. “It took such a long time for me to accept the fact that it’s O.K. to not work on weekends or on weekday nights.” 

Ms. Akeno based the novel on her own experiences of office life in Japan. When Ms. Akeno graduated from college in the early 2000s, Japan was in a deep slowdown, and work was hard to find. Many people her age ended up bouncing between temp jobs or dropping out of the workforce entirely. People who came of age at the time “have insecurities about employment,” she said. “We fear that if we aren’t useful to companies, we will be discarded.”

The Japanese government has now taken measures to reduce long hours and change cultural norms around work. For instance, a new law took effect limiting overtime to no more than 45 hours a month and 360 hours per year, barring special circumstances. And Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has promoted a program called Premium Fridays, asking employers to let employees leave a few hours early on the last Friday of every month.

Even though the government and younger workers are pushing for shorter work days, older employees who were raised on the idea that work trumps all just can’t seem to get comfortable with the idea of working a 40-hour week. What holds her co-workers back are employees and supervisors who simply cannot stop themselves. “Ultimately, the system always depends on someone pushing themselves to the limit,” one fan wrote on Twitter. “The problem is the Japanese system of work, where excess is the norm.” Ms. Akeno said that culture permeated other parts of Japanese life. “What is considered honorable isn’t how much you achieve, but how you manage to never take a rest,” she said.

When TBS announced the show’s title, some online commentators were appalled. “They were like, ‘Isn’t going home on time normal?’” said Junko Arai, the show’s producer. “‘If something so obvious is the basis for a drama, Japan’s in serious trouble.’”

33. Even if the Japanese government has taken action to stop people from working too long, people insist on doing this. What is the reason for such a phenomenon?
(A) The government’s policies fail to work and backfire.
(B) The company still does not allow workers to leave early.
(C) The idea of working long hours is ingrained in Japanese people.
(D) The Japanese really like their jobs and are willing to work overtime.

34. What can be inferred from Junko Arai’s quotation “If something so obvious is the basis for a drama, Japan’s in serious trouble.” in the last paragraph?
(A) It is now considered abnormal to work overtime.
(B) The problem of working overtime is getting worse.
(C) The problem of working overtime has not yet improved.
(D) The Japanese do not take working overtime as unusual.

Social scientists have long debated what drives human behavior. Do ideas, symbols, and beliefs influence behavior? Or are the forces of action and history less ethereal: money, circumstance, and opportunity, with culture a distant second? Scholars in the first camp are culturalists; in the second, materialists. 

In Rule Makers, Rule Breakers, the psychologist Michele Gelfand sides with the culturalists. In this book, her aim is to draw attention to one aspect she believes has been ignored: the social norms —or the often informal rules of conduct, the dos and don’ts, the sources of tsking and raised eyebrows —that emerge whenever people band together. According to Gelfand, cultures range from “tight” to “loose” in terms of adherence to rules. “Tight cultures,” she observes, “have strong social norms and little tolerance for deviance, while loose cultures have weak social norms and are highly permissive.”
Gelfand argues that mapping the tightness or looseness of cultures of various groups — nations, regions, social classes, corporations, and friendship circles — helps explain otherwise inexplicable 
phenomena. After examining societal norms, she broadens her analysis to include authoritarianism, inequality, political polarization and even the happiness of individuals.

Take authoritarianism as an example: Why did Egyptians vote overwhelmingly for Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in that country’s 2014 presidential election, choosing to be led by an autocrat just a few years after the democratic hopefulness of the Arab Spring? Gelfand argues that whatever a country’s baseline level of constraint (Egypt’s religious conservatism would put it near the tight end of the spectrum), it can adjust in response to shifting conditions. Threats, such as social instability, cause tightening. So it was in Egypt, she claims. The ouster of Hosni Mubarak and the political chaos that ensued sent Egypt’s society into a tailspin, leaving voters yearning for a strongman who could assert control and bring back order.

Making sense of long-term patterns in cultural tightness and looseness through the lenses of evolutionary anthropology, Gelfand observes that humans have evolved to be highly sensitive to rules, which provide a major evolutionary advantage as a way to facilitate collaboration. Gelfand’s research shows that when faced with natural challenges, high population density, and external dangers, civilizations tend to tighten up.

Despite the context she offers for how norms evolved, Gelfand consistently ignores materialist explanations for the various phenomena she investigates. Sure, aspirant strongmen can and do exploit voters’ anxieties about instability and change. But another crucial element in explaining why Sisi, Egypt’s former minister of defense, won 96 percent of the vote is that the military, determined to maintain its grip on the country and to keep billions of dollars in foreign aid flowing, banned the main opposition, the Muslim Brotherhood, after deposing Mohamed Morsi, the inept but democraticallyelected Islamist president who followed Mubarak in office.

The fact of the matter is that the very best research done today by social scientists straddles the culturalist-materialist divide. This work—Matthew Desmond on urban housing, Mario Luis Small on social networks and inequality, Kathryn Edin on poverty—highlights multi-factor causes and the intertwining of cultural and material influences. “Rule Makers, Rule Breakers” could have benefited 
from some of the same equilibrium and nuance.

35. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) Are Social Norms the Key to Explaining Human Behavior? 
(B) When Cultures Are ‘Tightened,’ Authoritarianism Ensues 
(C) Three Factors to Consider When it Comes to Egypt’s 2014 Election
(D) Is Your Culture ‘Tight’ or ‘Loose’?: A Culturalist-Materialist Debate

36. According to Michele Gelfand, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Social norms play a crucial role in explaining a variety of social phenomena.
(B) Humans’ sensitivity to rules benefits us because it helps us collaborate better.
(C) Sisi won Egypt’s presidential election since the military deposed Mubarak.
(D) Tight cultures have strict social rules and little tolerance for people to break them.

37. Why do the author mention the names of other scholars in the last paragraph? 
(A) To offer a list of further readings associated with materialist views.
(B) To inform readers of other better studies on the same subject.
(C) To show the author’s discontent about culturalist-materialist divide.
(D) To argue in favor of a more balanced approach to social studies.

More than 10 million adults in the United States suffer from some sort of phobia. These exaggerated fears—whether of spiders, needles, snakes, heights, social situations or even public spaces—can become so all-consuming that they interfere with daily life. What exactly is phobia? A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deepsense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific and the impact of a phobia can range from annoying to severely disabling. People with phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but they’re unable to do anything about it. Such fears can interfere with work, school, and personal relationships. Seek the help of a doctor if 
you have a fear that prevents you from leading your fullest life.

The good news is that over the past several decades, psychologists and other researchers have developed some effective behavioral and pharmacological treatments for phobia, as well as technological interventions. Now researchers are taking the next step, says psychologist and phobia researcher Arne Ö hman, PhD, of the clinical neuroscience department at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. They are using neuroimaging techniques like positron-emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to understand the brain circuitry that underlies 
phobia and what happens in the brain during treatment. They’re finding that the amygdala—a small, almond-shaped structure in the middle of the brain's temporal lobes—is a key player, and that malfunctions of the amygdala and associated brain structures may give rise to many phobias. Still, researchers have yet to work out the details of how this happens.

In addition, genetic and environmental factors are also found to cause phobias. Children who have a close relative with an anxiety disorder are at risk of developing a phobia. Distressing events, such as nearly drowning, can bring on a phobia. Exposure to confined spaces, extreme heights, and animal or insect bites can all be sources of phobias. People with ongoing medical conditions or health concerns often have phobias. There’s a high incidence of people developing phobias after traumatic brain injuries. Substance abuse and depression are also connected to phobias. Phobias have different symptoms from serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. In schizophrenia, people have visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, negative symptoms such as anhedonia, and disorganized symptoms. Phobias may be irrational, but people with phobias do not fail reality testing. 

38. Based on the passage, what is the difference between phobias and anxiety disorders?
(A) There is always a reason behind a phobia, but not an anxiety disorder.
(B) Even a doctor cannot provide any help to treat people with a phobia.
(C) Phobias have a greater impact on one’s life than anxiety disorders.
(D) A phobia may stem from something that does exist in the real life.

39. From the passage, how do PET and fMRI facilitate the research into phobias?
(A) Researchers have thus come up with some new ways to treat phobias.
(B) They have helped find amygdala plays a part in many phobias. 
(C) Sufficient details of how phobias occur have been provided.
(D) In Sweden people with phobias can be completely cured.

40. Based on the reading, which of the following may NOT be a symptom of people with phobias?
(A) Panic inside an elevator.
(B) Shake all over at high places.
(C) Hear sounds out of nowhere.
(D) Pass out when spotting a spider



I. Vocabulary (12%)
1-5 6-10 11-12
II. Cloze Test (10%)
13-17 18-22
III. Contextual Matching (8%)
23-26 27-30
IV. Reading Comprehension (20%)
31-32 33-34 35-37 38-40

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國立竹北高中 111 學年度第 1 學期 第 1 次教師甄選
特教科 試題卷
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五、阿龍是一位自閉兼有注意力缺陷過動症的高一學生,阿龍想在班上交到朋友但他等待他人說話及輪流說話的能力弱,且固執於自己的觀點,導致每次跟同學聊天都會出現插話的現象並會對班上同學罵髒話,且阿龍也堅決不肯服用情緒藥物來控制自己的情緒。導致班上同學對阿龍的行為不滿,不但會言語回嗆阿龍,甚至不和阿龍同組,並在匿名的 FB 版上罵阿龍滾或沒有資格來唸我們學校等字眼。阿龍母親知道此事後非常不滿,因此投訴資源班老師阿龍被霸凌,如果您是阿龍的資源班老師,您會如何與阿龍母親進行溝通?並且您會如何去處理阿龍被班上同學霸凌一事?15%

A.高一上學期開學前/後、B.學生高一下發病無法到校 上課期間、C.學生高一下發病經過三週病假休養返校上課後。 15%

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國立竹北高中 111 學年度第 1 學期 第 1 次教師甄選資訊科技科 試題卷
(請考生自填) 准考證號碼: 姓名: 

一、選擇題:60% (共 30 題,每題 2 分) 
(  ) 1. Linux 系統中,啟用網頁伺服器(Apache)服務後,預設公開網頁資料夾位於哪一個資料夾下?
(A) /usr (B) /etc (C) /var (D) /tmp


(  ) 2. Linux 系統中,欲將資料夾及其內子資料夾和檔案皆刪除時,需以 rm 搭配哪一個參數?
(A) -f (B) -r (C) -i (D) -d


(  ) 3. 2021 年底的 Log4j 漏洞被喻為近十年來最大資安漏洞之一,攻擊者可藉由誘使伺服器紀錄特定格式訊息至記錄檔(log),而觸發執行。請問該漏洞與哪一種程式語言的記錄檔套件相關?
(A) Python (B) JavaScript (C) PHP (D) Java


(  ) 4. 若想讓無線網路直接辨識欲上網設備是否為校內同仁所有,而不需輸入帳號密碼認證,則需先登記該上網設備哪一個資訊?
(A) Host Name (B) IPv4 Address (C) IPv6 Address (D) Mac Address


(  ) 5. 深度學習常見應用領域有文字(自然語言處理)、聲音(語音辨識)、影像(影像識別)等,而近年常被使用的深度學習框架 YOLO 和 BERT,兩者分別適用於哪一個領域?
(A) 影像、影像 (B) 文字、影像 (C) 影像、文字 (D) 文字、文字


(  ) 6. 若想要利用程式預測未來股票價格,則使用下列哪一類型機器學習方法較為適合?
(A) Regression (B) Classification (C) Clustering (D) Association Rule


(  ) 7. 下列哪一種樹狀結構適合用來解決 Range Minimum Query(RMQ)問題?
(A) 堆積樹(Heap) (B) 字典樹(Trie) (C) 線段樹 (D) B+樹


(  ) 8. 有一個二元搜尋樹是以 5 為根節點,再將 1、7、2、9、11 依序放入,請問此樹結構的第二層會有哪些元素? 
(A)1、7 (B)1、7、2 (C)7、2 (D)9、11


(  ) 9. 運作中的硬碟裡面有旋轉磁盤及移動的讀寫頭,下列何者是正確的磁碟存取時間的計算方式? 
(A)搜尋時間 + 旋轉時間 + 傳輸時間 (B)搜尋時間 + 啟動時間 + 旋轉時間 
(C)啟動時間 + 旋轉時間 + 傳輸時間 (D)啟動時間 + 搜尋時間 + 傳輸時間 


(  ) 10.電子郵件的傳輸協定 SMTP、POP3、IMAP,是屬於下列哪一層的傳輸協定? 
(A)應用層 (B)傳輸層 (C)網路層 (D)鏈結層 


(  ) 11.當網路 A 使用 TCP/IP 通訊協定,網路 B 使用 IPX/SPX 通訊協定,則網路 A 與網路 B 要連接通訊時,需要使用下列何種裝置?
(A)路由器 (B)閘道器 (C)IP 分享器 (D)交換式集線器 


(  ) 12. 請問下列有多少個項目可被歸類為作業系統(Operating System)?
(1)Android (2)Microsoft SQL Server (3)iOS (4)Linux
(5)Facebook (6)Mac OS X (7)OpenOffice.org (8)Google Chrome
(A)3 (B)4 (C)5 (D)6 


(  ) 13. 下列關於 CPU 中「程式計數器(Program Counter, PC)」的敘述,何者正確?
(A)PC 是一個快取記憶體,用來暫時存放指令執行的資料 
(B)PC 是一個時間計數器,存放目前 CPU 運作的時間 
(C)PC 用來記錄程式運作的總數,用以調整匯流排的速度
(D)PC 用來暫存下一個要執行指令的位址 


(  ) 14. 某甲寫了幾個二維度的(two-dimensional)矩陣運算的程式,正在尋找加速這些程式的運算速度的方法,關於繪圖處理器 GPU 與中央處理器 CPU,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)GPU 不論在雲端伺服器以及手機當中都經常被用來加速運算 
(B)GPU 比起 CPU 更適合執行大量且大型的矩陣運算 
(C)GPU 除了做為顯示卡中 3D 圖像顯示時運算加速用途,針對矩陣相乘的運算加速效果也很好
(D)CPU 無法執行二維的矩陣相乘的運算,因此二維矩陣相乘的程式碼必須交給 GPU 才能執行 


(  ) 15.人工智慧與資訊安全保護是目前受到高度關注的技術,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(B)深度學習(Deep Learning)是人工智慧的一種實現方式 
(D)人工智慧應用常常需要大量的運算,可以透過 GPU 或者 IC 來加速


(  ) 16. 有關網路安全技術的敘述,下列何者錯誤?
(A)平均而言,RSA 演算法處理速率快過 DES 演算法 
(C)DES 是一種對稱式加∕解密法 
(D)SET 使用非對稱式加∕解密法,所以可確認交易者身分 

(  ) 17. 關於 OSI 模型與 DoD 模型之相關通訊協定的敘述,下列哪一項正確?
(A)OSI 參考模型分為 7 層,由下而上分為應用層、會議層、表現層、傳輸層、網路層、資料連結層以及實體層 
(B)超文件傳輸協定(HyperText Transfer Protocol)是瀏覽器與 WWW 伺服器之間傳輸資料的協定,在 DoD 模型中是屬於傳輸層 
(C)位址求解協定(Address Resolution Protocol)是負責將 IP 位址轉換成實體位址的通訊協定,在 DoD 模型中是屬於傳輸層 
(D)用戶數據報協定(User Datagram Protocol)只負責把資料傳送出去,不會檢查資料是否正確無誤地被送達到目的地,在 DoD 模型中是屬於傳輸層 


(  ) 18. 若已知網際網路中 A 電腦之 IP 為, 且子網路遮罩(Subnet Mask)為255.255.248.0,下列哪一 IP 與 A 電腦不在同一子網路(網段)?
(A) (B) (C) (D) 


(  ) 19. 若要將學校電腦教室內的 45 台電腦,以具有 12 個連接埠的交換器連接成一個星狀網路,則至少需要幾台交換器設備?
(A)4 (B)5 (C)6 (D)7 


(  ) 20. 對於數位簽章的敘述,下列何者錯誤?


(  ) 21. 下列何者不屬於美國國家標準技術研究院(NIST)所定義的雲端運算架構中的三個主要服務模式?
(A)軟體即服務 SaaS (B)平台即服務 PaaS 
(C)基礎設施即服務 IaaS (D)硬體即服務 HaaS


(  ) 22. 在 C++中,若以 f(3) 呼叫下列 f() 函式,總共會印出幾行數字?
(A) 5 行 (B) 6 行 (C) 7 行 (D) 10 行

(  ) 23. 執行下列 C++片段原始碼,其輸出結果為?
(A)x=5,y=3 (B)x=8,y=3 (C)x=7,y=3 (D)x=2,y=6 


(  ) 24. 有 4 個數字的順序為 20、5、1、7,若利用氣泡排序演算法將此筆資料由小到大排序,則第 1 次排序循環後,第 1 個數字為何?
(A)1 (B)5 (C)7 (D)20 


(  ) 25. 下列關於 D-Sub、DVI、HDMI 螢幕連接埠的訊號傳輸形式的敘述,何者為真?
(A)D-Sub、DVI、HDMI 均是以類比形式傳輸 
(B)D-Sub、DVI、HDMI 均是以數位形式傳輸 
(C)D-Sub 是以類比形式傳輸,DVI、HDMI 是以數位形式傳輸 
(D)D-Sub、DVI 是以類比形式傳輸,HDMI 是以數位形式傳輸 


(  ) 26. 以 11.05KHz 的取樣頻率,每個取樣以 256 位階來表示,錄製一首 1 分鐘的旁白,取用WAV 檔(單一聲道、未壓縮)格式,則這個檔案的大小約是?
(A) 0.63MB (B) 5MB (C) 1MB (D) 0.4MB 


(  ) 27. 程序(process)在執行時有五種可能的:新建(New)、就緒(Ready)、執行(Running)、等待(Waiting)、結束(Terminated)。程序的狀態會隨著執行過程而改變。下列哪一種程序狀態的改變不會發生? (A)就緒→執行 (B)執行→就緒 (C)等待→執行 (D) 執行→等待


(  ) 28. 對於右側程式碼,請問程式執行後 w, x, y, z 哪幾個變數的值會相同?
(A) w, x, y 三者值相同
(B) w, z 兩者值相同
(C) w, x, y, z 所有值相同
(D) w, x, z 三者值相同

(  ) 29. 右側程式碼的功用是對於所有學生,找出成績總和最高者,若總和相同時,則比較數學成績。請問 ( ________________ ) 應填入下列何者?

(x[i].total >= x[MAXID].total) || 
(x[i].total == x[MAXID].total && 
 x[i].math > x[MAXID].math)

(x[i].total > x[MAXID].total) ||
(x[i].total == x[MAXID].total && 
 x[i].math > x[MAXID].math)

x[i].total >= x[MAXID].total) || 
(x[i].math >= x[MAXID].math)

(x[i].total > x[MAXID].total) || 
(x[i].math > x[MAXID].math)



(  ) 30.在 C++中整數型別(int)有效表示範圍為 -2,147,483,648 至 2,147,483,647,對於下列程式碼,請問執行後輸出結果為何?
(A) -2147483647
(B) 0
(C) -1
(D) -2147483648

二、填充題:40% (共 10 題,每題 4 分) 
1. Floyd-Warshall 是一種用來計算圖中所有點對最短路徑長的演算法。假設圖中共有 V 個點、E個邊,其原理為宣告一個二維陣列 d[V][V],以 d[i][j]表示點 i 至點 j 的最短路徑長。過程中若對於中途點 k,符合 d[i][j] > d[i][k] + d[k][j] 則更新 d[i][j] 數值。請問此演算法時間複雜度為何?



2. 下列程式碼執行後的輸出結果為何?

3. 下列程式碼執行後的輸出結果為何?


4. 執行 Python 程式片段,S 的結果為何?


5. 在下方的 Excel 表格中,若在儲存格 D1 輸入公式「= VLOOKUP(4.9, A1:C5, 3)」,則儲存格D1 顯示的運算結果為:

6. 小明正在學習數數字,他已經學會從 0 數到 100。若他將這些數字依下圖方式一一寫出,每個數字底下都有一個左分支(L) 及一個右分支(R),而數字的填寫由左到右,由最上層的分支依序往下填寫。因此每個數字填寫的位置從最上層開始可用一系列的 L 及 R 來表示。
例如:數字 10 的表示法為 LRR,數字 11 的表示法為 RLL,數字 12 的表示法則為 RLR。
請問最後一個數字 100 的表示法為何?

7. 下列 C 指標的程式碼片段,寫出其輸出結果為:
int score = 85;
int *ptr;
ptr = &score;
score = 50;
*ptr = 60;
cout << score;


8. 如下部分的 C++程式碼,執行結果顯示為何:
int a=1,b=2,c=3 ;
 c += --a + b++ ;
 cout << a+b+c;


9. 在 C 語言中,宣告一個二維陣列 int A[2][2],該陣列的第 1 個元素為 0x4D12,則其最後一個元素的位址為何:

10. 下列程式碼執行後的輸出結果為何?








1.【答:O(V3) 】 2. 【答:12 】3.【答:5 3 1 2 4】4.【答:6】5.【答:93 】 

6.【答:RLLRLR】7.【答: 60 】 8.【答: 8】9.【答:0x4D1E 】 10.【答: 11 28 】

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國立竹北高中 111 學年度第 1 學期 第 1 次教師甄選輔導科 試題卷


一、請說明何謂「多元表現綜整心得」及「學習歷程自述」?且身為高三輔導教師的您,將如何協助高三學生依據其所申請之校系完成多元表現綜整心得及學習歷程自述? (15%)


二、若有高二女學生被他校高二男學生刻意觸摸生殖器官之情事,依據關懷 e 起來線上通報系統之通報類型,請問其屬何種案件通報?如果您是該位高二女學生的輔導老師,請簡要說明您會如何進行後續的輔導處遇? (20%)


三、2021 年 8 月監察院公布的「青少年自殺防治策略及作為等情案」調查報告中指出,15 至 24 歲自殺通報從 2016 至 2020 年分別為 4365、4905、6352、7991 及1 萬 659 人次,去年該人口群通報人次已占所有通報人口群中的 26.4%;各級學校通報學生自傷人次更呈現倍數增加,2016 年至 2020 年分別為 1029、1519、2765、4475、8625 人次。以您對本校的理解,竹北高中可能產生自殺自傷等危機事件的樣態為何?學校輔導工作團隊將如何檢視校園自殺自傷防治裡的橫向聯結,建立系統合作的機制、強化資源整合,適切的介入並提供支援? (20%)


個案會議向相關人進行說明,並說明行政程序及準備事宜。 (20%

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國立中央大學附屬中壢高級中學 111 學年度第 1 次教師甄選地球科學科筆試題目卷 
 請回答問題並寫出詳解(各題皆為 4 分):

1. 16 萬年來,大氣中二氧化碳濃度與冰川體積的變化情形如附圖所示,請依據附圖回答:

(1)下列選項,何者正確(1 分)? (A)全球冰川體積和大氣的二氧化碳濃度變化成正比 (B)科學家主要是從海洋沉積物岩芯與南極冰芯對比,重建古氣候的變化情形 (C)目前科學家已經確定二氧化碳濃度增減是造成冰川體積消長的原因(D)上次間冰期大約發生在 12 萬 5000 年前 (E)2萬年前的海平面應比現在高很多。

(2)請根據你的答案寫出本題的解析(3 分)。


2. 附圖為各緯度的年降水量與海面平均鹽度的變化曲線圖,配合各項影響鹽度的因素回答。
(1)下列關於各地鹽度比較的敘述何者正確? (1 分) (A)受到大量的河流注入,由陸地風化侵蝕而帶來較多的鹽類離子,所以 D 緯度的鹽度較 C 緯度高 (B)受到副熱帶高壓下沉氣流的影響,D 緯度的蒸發量大於降水量,故 D 緯度的鹽度較高 (C) C 緯度因為受到太陽近直射的狀態,氣溫高對流旺盛,使得 C 緯度的鹽度較其他緯度高 (D) A 緯度通常會有較多的河流、降水等淡水注入,因而其鹽度會較 B 緯度高 (E) A 緯度的水溫較低,鹽類溶解度較低,所以鹽度較 B 緯度低。

(2)請根據你的答案寫出本題的解析(3 分)。


3. 洞察號在 2018 年 11 月降落在火星表面的埃律西昂平原上,並使用「火星內部結構地震實驗儀」(SEIS)記錄火星地震波,此一高精確度的地震儀可記錄火星表層或深層的震波。在火星上,地震被稱為火星震。(提示:火星直徑 6779 km、密度 3.93 g/cm³) 

(1)下列關於在火星地表傳遞的震波之敘述,何者正確? (1 分) (A)稱為 P 波和 S 波 (B)在火星深處的震波速度較慢 (C)只需幾分鐘即可傳遞到火星另一側 (D)震波傳遞在地球上比火星上快。

(2)請根據你的答案寫出本題的解析(3 分)。

4. P 和 Q 為組成不同的岩漿,下圖顯示它們的關係:無水狀態的黏滯性與岩漿溫度(圖 A)、有水狀態的黏滯性與含水量(圖 B)。

(1)請依據圖 A 與圖 B選出所有關於 P 和 Q 岩漿的正確論述(1 分)
(A) P 岩漿的形成溫度比 Q 岩漿高 (B) P 岩漿的形成溫度比 Q 岩漿低 (C) Q 岩漿的含水量比P 岩漿高 (D) P 岩漿的黏滯係數隨水含量升高而減少 (E) P 岩漿的含矽量比 Q 岩漿低 (F) P岩漿的含矽量比 Q 岩漿高。

(2)請根據你的答案寫出本題的解析(3 分)。 


5. 承上題,附圖為冰島衛星影像,有中洋脊通過並且有火山活動,位於北島的克拉夫拉火山(X區)因為黏滯係數低,所以沿著裂隙噴口噴發,另一方面,艾雅法拉火山(Y 區)是一個爆裂性火山,會釋放大量火山灰燼。

(1)請依據附圖選出關於冰島上兩個火山區域的所有正確論述(1 分) (A) X 區與 Y 區的火山由圖A 與圖 B 中的 P 岩漿形成 (B) X 區與 Y區的火山形成於張裂性板塊邊界 (C)由於岩漿的高黏滯性,X 區火山形成高海拔地形 (D) X 區與 Y區的火山由圖 A 與圖 B 中的 Q 岩漿噴發形成玄武岩 (E) Y 區的爆裂性火山活動是因為有外來水的注入 (F) X 區與 Y 區都不適合地熱發電。

(2)請根據你的答案寫出本題的解析(3 分)。

6. 附圖為某地之地質圖,若到圖中甲、乙、丙、丁和戊地進行地質考察,請依據附圖回答:

(1)下列何地岩層走向應為往北偏西 60°的方位,傾斜向南45°?(1 分) (A)甲 (B)乙 (C)丙 (D)丁 (E)戊。

(2)請根據你的答案寫出本題的解析(3 分)。

 名詞解釋(各題皆為 4 分)
7. carbonate compensation depth
8. Fujiwara effect
9. Ekman spiral
10. Western intensification

 簡述地科概念(各題皆為 4 分)
11. 概述台灣地震活動分布(含震央位置及震源深度)與板塊構造的關係。

12. 歲差與春分點變化的關係。

13. 說明農曆的曆法特性與天體運行週期的關係。

 申論題(各題皆為 12 分)
14. 天文學家期盼已久的詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡(JWST)終於在 2021 年 12 月 25 日由亞利安 5 號火箭送上太空,他有一些設計非常特別,請問:
(1)JWST(口徑 6.5m)的集光力為哈伯望遠鏡的幾倍?(2 分)

(2)請任舉一個 JWST 太空望遠鏡上的設計,並說明其設計的考量為何?(4 分)

(3)請比較哈伯太空望遠鏡和 JWST 在運行軌道上的設計有何不同?(4 分)JWST 的軌道如此設計的原因是?(2 分)


15. 找出週期性的變化常常是科學研究與教學的重點,請列舉海洋、大氣與氣候變遷學門內各一項具週期性變化的研究主題,並填入第 6 頁答案卷內表格中(表格內容包含研究主題名稱、週期、現象簡述與觀測方法,觀測方法含儀器、原理與使用之觀測波段)。

16. 附圖為 2016 年某日香港上空的探空圖(圖片改自香港氣象交流中心網誌)。
(1)請在第 7 頁答案卷上,分析各高度的天氣狀況(10 分)

(2)請依據第一小題的答案推論該時刻香港地區最可能出現的天氣狀況,並簡述你推論的理由。 (2 分)


17. 火星自古以來不僅是天上明亮的紅色天體,逆行現象也引發天文學家的關注,自火星運河一說後,火星探測更是不曾停歇,洞察號在2018 年 11 月 26 日發射,希望號、天問一號、毅力號也在 2020 年七月發射,而 2020 年 10 月
14 日可見火星衝的天象,請問:


(1)附圖為地球和火星軌道示意圖,已知火星平均距離1.5AU,火星公轉週期為 1.88 年(687 天),請計算並利用第8 頁答案卷上之附圖繪圖說明火星逆行現象。(6 分)

(2)歐洲的 ExoMars 放棄 2020 年七月從地球發射去火星的發射窗口,請參考附圖說明地球和火星的軌道應該處於何種關係,較適合出發?(2 分)並推算下次約略何時可以出發去火星?(4 分)


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