




第一部分:辨識句意 (第1-3題) 作答說明:每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片,每 題播放兩次




【答  案】(A)


The boy and the girl are hiding from the rain under a coat




【答  案】(B)


A baby koala is riding on its mother’s back




【答  案】(A)


The Smiths girls are both cute. The taller one with short hair is Susan. And the other one is Maggie.


第二部分:基本問答 (第4-10題) 作答說明:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應, 每題播放兩次


(A) You can try it on.
(B) I went to the store on foot.
(C) It’s a present from my aunt.


【答  案】(C)


Your sweater looks beautiful. Where did you get it?


(A) I like guavas the best.
(B) I hate bananas and peaches.
(C) I eat French fries all the time


【答  案】(A)


What’s your favorite fruit?


(A) I don’t have a car, either.
(B) Don’t worry; I’ll be careful.
(C) I know, but I hate to go alone.


【答  案】(B)


Are you sure about going home alone? It’s quite late now. I can drive you, you know.


(A) I’m serious.
(B) I hope it’s good.
(C) I’ll have the same.


【答  案】(C)


I think I’ll just have some soup. Maybe a salad, too. How about you?


(A) Thanks. You are very kind.
(B) Really? I bought it yesterday.
(C) Good idea. Just leave the bag there.


【答  案】(A)


Let me help you with the bag


(A) I think it is quite convenient.
(B) It’s just right across the park there.
(C) It might take ten to fifteen minutes.


【答  案】(B)


Excuse me. How do I get to St. Paul’s Church?


(A) He is afraid to fly.
(B) He has business there.
(C) It takes sixteen hours to fly to the US.


【答  案】(B)


Do you know why John has flown to the US again?


第三部分:言談理解 (第 11-21 題) 作答說明:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話或 短文內容,選出一個最適合的答案,每題播 放兩次。


第 11 題
(A) PE.
(B) Math.
(C) Music


【答  案】(C)


F: That’s wonderful, students. All of you have beautiful voices, but please sing louder. You can stand up or drink some water if you think it helps. Let’s try it again. 3, 2, 1, go!
Question: Which class are the students in?


第 12 題
(A) February 13.
(B) February 14.
(C) February 15.


【答  案】(C)


F: When will we hold the party next week?
M: Lucy wants it to be on February 13 or 14.
F: But don’t you think it’s easier for everyone to come on Saturday?
M: Then the party should be on February 15?
F: I think so. I’ll ask Lucy first if the date is okay.
Question: When does the woman want to have the party?


第 13 題
(A) A cook.
(B) A salesman.
(C) A waiter.


【答  案】(C)


M: Is everything alright?
F: Yah, the food was very good.
M: Would you like some dessert?
F: Yes, can I see the menu?
M: Sure, let me clean the table for you and then I’ll bring you the menu.
F: Thanks, and umm, could you also bring me some water?
M: Of course, I’ll be back in a second.
Question: Who is the man?


第 14 題
(A) Visiting a new neighbor.
(B) Moving into a new apartment.
(C) Shopping for a table and a refrigerator.


【答  案】(B)


M: You have a lovely apartment, Jane.
F: Thanks, I like it very much. It’s bigger than my old one.
M: Umm so, where should we put the table?
F: Let’s put it in the dining room.
M: Okay.
F: Hoo, that was heavy. Hum, the table looks nice here. Now we need
to carry the refrigerator into the kitchen.
Question: What is the woman doing?


第 15 題
(A) He has seen it already.
(B) He will see it next week.
(C) He thinks it is a bad movie


【答  案】(A)


F: I’ve got two tickets for Spiderman. Do you want to see it together?
M: Too bad. I saw it with my sister last week.
F: Did you enjoy it?
M: It’s one of the best movies I’ve seen. Let’s talk more about it after you see it.
Question: Why doesn’t the man go see the movie with the woman?


第 16 題
(A) Invite Aunt Sue to tea.
(B) Visit Aunt Sue on another day.
(C) Go to the theater on another day.


【答  案】(B)


F: Do you think we have time to stop by Aunt Sue’s place before we go
to the theater?
M: Why?
F: I’ve got this handbag for her. I bought it when I was in Japan.
M: Well, you know Aunt Sue. She never lets you leave her house
before at least 3 pots of tea.
F: Umm, yah, you’re right. Next time, then.
Question: What did the woman decide to do?


第 17 題
(A) She thinks he is a serious person.
(B) She thinks he should bake more cakes.
(C) She thinks he wants something from her.


【答  案】(C)


M: I’ve made a cake for you.
F: Oh, thanks. Wait a minute. There’s something you want, isn’t there?
M: Can’t I just be nice?
F: I’ve known you for years.
M: Do you really see me that way?
F: Seriously, just say it.
M: Well, if you must ask. I was wondering ….
Question: What does the woman think when the man gives her the cake?


第 18 題
(A) She failed her tests this week.
(B) She was too late to catch a boat.
(C) She lost the chance to get a ticket.


【答  案】(C)


M: Hey, have you bought a ticket to AJ’s music show?
F: Oh, no! I forgot. I’ve been busy preparing for my tests this week.
M: Well, they’re going to stop selling the tickets in 10 minutes.
F: Oh, I’ll check online now.
M: You can try, but there may not be any left. Honestly, I think you’ve already missed the boat.
Question: When the man tells the woman “You’ve already missed the boat,” what does he mean?


第 19 題
(A) It was borrowed.
(B) It was left at home.
(C) It was lost.


【答  案】(A)


F: Mark, can I use you eraser? I don’t have mine with me.
M: Again? Oh, Lisa! You’re always like this.
F: And you’re always like this. So, can I borrow it or not?
M: Well, I left mine at home. But I got this one from John!
F: What? This is mine! I lent it to him last week.
Question: What really happened to the girl’s eraser?


第 20 題
(A) Sleeping through the day.
(B) Seeing the woman at breakfast.
(C) Driving his mom to the train station.


【答  案】(A)


F: Wow, you’re up! I didn’t think I’ll see you at breakfast. I though you’ll going to sleep through the day.
M: That was the plan, but my mom called and asked me to drive her to the train station.
Question: When the man said “that was the plan,” what plan does he mean?


第 21 題
(A) The history of photo taking.
(B) Photos of people at different ages.
(C) Photos of important times in history.


【答  案】(C)


Hello, listeners. Time for today’s Book Corner. We’ll have a quick look at the new book called Moments of Our Age. The one hundred photos in this book catch big moments in the past sixty years. You can see pictures of the first person on the moon, of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and many more. Want to live those moments? You can’t miss Moments of Our Age.
Question: What is Moments of Our Age about?




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