二、史提夫·狄世沙(Steve de Shezer)和燕素·金柏(Imsoo Kim Berg)夫妻所發展出來的焦點解決短期治療(Solution-focused brief therapy, SFBT)中,其中奇蹟式問句(miracle questions)的功能為何?
三、這幾個月因為新冠肺炎疫情因素,學生阿文的內心有非常多對於染病的焦慮及不安感,平時三不五時就拼命噴酒精、洗手,回家後洗澡也常常耗上好幾個鐘頭,腦海裡總是不斷懷疑自己或同學是否確診染病,導致無法專心於學業,也影響自己的人際關係。因身心大受影響,阿文求助於輔導處。身為阿文的輔導老師,(一)請試著以 DSM-V 精神疾病診斷守則,評估阿文的身心及精神狀態,(二)並說明你會運用哪些輔導策略協助他安頓身心?
四、阿光是班上的開心果,也是學校吉他社的副社長,阿光在校表現活躍,學校老師、同班同學和社團朋友都相當喜歡他。沒想到某天放學阿光和三位同班同學在離校門口約 200 公尺遠的轉彎處,被迎面而來的轎車撞上,阿光不幸過世、另外三位同學輕重傷。當時因是放學時間,有多位學生目擊,阿光的親友、師長及同學們都感到相當震驚、難過與不捨,多位同學情緒激動難抑,紛紛表示無法接受。請問:(一)針對此事件,校園危機處理,各處室的安心計劃分工為何?(二)身為輔導老師的你,接下來會如何執行安心服務方案?
五、The following description is a letter from a parent, please use your counseling expertise to respond to the letter in English: My daughter recently expressed that she doesn't want to go to school. She said that the
classmates do not want to be in the same group with her, she always feels lonely. Some classmates deliberately hit her desk or overturn her water glass when they walk past her. Last week, my daughter found out that there was a Line group among her classmates, and the content in it was insulting and laughing at her. They even openly scolded my daughter on the black version of FB. We feel that the behavior of our classmates is very inappropriate. We tried to tell the homeroom teacher, but the teacher did not actively deal with it, just told my daughter not to care too much. I suspect my daughter is being bullied at school and ask the school for help