





Question 1. A man is trying to eat a bowl of spaghetti. Some of it has fallen onto the table.

Question 2. This is Mary’s dorm room. She has posters of scientists she admires on the wall.

Question 3. The students are dressed in traditional Chinese costumes. They’re performing a
special dance called Ba-yi on Teacher’s Day.


Question 4. Dr. Helen Chen is going to speak at our workshop this Thursday at noon. She’s
going to talk about how to write a stage play.


第 1-2部分
Question 5. Which two of the following are true about the women in the picture?
A. They look very serious.
B. They both have short hair.
C. They’re sharing some food.
D. They’re having a good time.


Question 6. Which two of the following are true about the boy in the picture?
A. The boy is holding a coconut.
B. The boy is wearing a hat.
C. The boy is up in a tree.
D. The boy is eating some fruit.


Question 7. Which two of the following are true about the picture?
A. Two of the dancers are female.
B. All the dancers wear flowers on their heads.
C. They’re dancing on the beach.
D. The women are dancing in the middle.


Question 8. Which two of the following are true about the students in the picture?
A. They are putting their food into the oven.
B. They are learning how to prepare fish.
C. They are learning how to cut up a turkey.
D. They are watching a teacher demonstrate something.


Question 9. Which two of the following are true about the store in the picture?
A. It has some discount items on sale.
B. It has a buy-one-get-one-free promotion.
C. It sells extra-large bottles of perfume.
D. It sells bottles of freshly squeezed juice.


Question 10. Which two of the following can we learn from the nametag?
A. Mr. Smith is a university professor.
B. Mr. Smith is a college student.
C. Mr. Smith is the leader of a student organization.
D. Mr. Smith doesn’t have a middle name.

Question 11. I was wondering where I can find a drugstore near here.

Question 12. Do you want to go to the KTV with us this weekend?

Question 13. Excuse me. Are these your boots?

Question 14. I have a hard time reading this label. Can you see what it says?

Question 15. Can you give me a ride on your motorcycle?

Question 16. We’ve been studying for two hours. Are you ready for a break?

Question 17. The bus is not here yet. But I’m afraid I need to go to the bathroom.

Question 18. I don’t want to start an argument, but I really don’t agree  with you on this issue.

Question 19. Look at the price tag. Twenty thousand NT dollars just for an ordinary-looking jacket? That’s really highway robbery.

Question 20. Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress in our daily life?

M: it would be cheaper to go by bus, wouldn’t it?
W: Definitely. But it would take hours longer. And we’re only going to be there for one night.
M: I guess so. We don’t want to waste half the weekend sitting on a bus.
W: Right. So let’s treat ourselves and take the train.
Question 21. Why does the couple decide to travel by train?


W: I see you’re using your own chopsticks.
M: Yes, I always do these days. I keep them in my bag. I don’t like using these disposable ones.
W: Why not? What’s wrong with them?
M: For one thing, they’re not environmentally friendly. You use them just once and throw them away. It’s such a waste. I think it’s healthier to use my own, too. At least I know they are clean
Question 22. What is the conversation mainly about?


W: I couldn’t stand being a dentist.
M: Why not? It’s a well-paying job. I wish my salary was half as good as a dentist’s.
W: But who wants to spend all day looking in people’s mouths?
M: Oh, I can imagine a worse way to make a living. Look on the bright side. Some people do have beautiful teeth.
Question 23. Which of the following is true about the conversation?


M: Where should we go for our honeymoon?
W: I would like to go to Hawaii. It’s beautiful there and I love its culture.
M: I know. But I spent two years working there. Can we go somewhere else? Like Turkey.
W: Hawaii is one of the world’s hottest honeymoon destinations. And I’ve always wanted to go there.
M: Okay. At least we don’t need to hire a tour guide there.
Question 24. What can be inferred from this conversation?


W: Let’s cross the road. There’s a convenience store over there.
M: Okay. What do you want to get?
W: Just a drink. I’m really thirsty.
M: Me too. I can do with a coffee. Hey stop! Get back on the sidewalk. You can’t cross the road here.
W: Why not? What’s wrong?
M: You might get hit by a car or a bus. In my country, it’s called jaywalking. Unless you use a proper pedestrian crossing, you can get fined.
W: Yeah, I think you’re right. Let’s take the pedestrian crossing there.
Question 25. Where does this conversation take place?
Question 26. Which of the following statement is true about the man?


M: I’m so nervous about tomorrow’s exam.
W: Haven’t you prepared for it?
M: I’m really well prepared. The problem is, I can’t stop worrying. And that’s making my physically sick. My stomach feels terrible.
W: You need to relax, you know.
M: I know. But I always feel this way before exams. You want me to relax, but it’s easier said than done.
W: I agree. I’m sorry. My suggestion wasn’t very helpful.
M: There’s no need to apologize. You’re right. I SHOULD calm down and take it easy.
W: Well, if I were you, I’d go see a doctor or a school counselor.
M: Yeah, I guess you ARE right.
Question 27. Which of the following is true about the conversation?
Question 28. Why does the woman apologize?


M: Did you wear a uniform to school when you were in high school?
W: Yes, I did.
M: Geez. We didn’t do that when we were in high school.
W: Personally, I think it’s a good thing to wear a uniform.
M: Why is that?
W: Well, by having uniforms, we didn’t have to waste time thinking about what to wear for the day. It was easier for our parents, too, because they could save some money on clothes. But we think differently in our school. We believe it helps students to develop creativity when they get to choose what to wear. In addition, it helps build up their individuality when they show up at school not looking like everybody else. It’s also a good way to help them learn how make decisions for themselves.
W: Yeah, that makes sense, too.
Question 29. What does the woman like about having uniforms.
Question 30. What is NOT mentioned by a man as an advantage of not wearing uniforms?



Question 31.32
Many school district in the United States have begun to provide their students with tablet computers. But simply providing every student with a tablet, although novel and exciting, will not automatically lead to higher achievement. Tablets are great for learning, but they’re equally good at distracting students. The temptation to play a quick game or check your messages every few minutes can be overwhelming. Then, there are a number of practical issues. Unlike traditional books, tablets need charging. In a classroom of 20 or 30 students, there will always be one or two who forgot to charge their devices’ battery the previous night. And what happen to the lesson when the Wi-Fi server is slow or disconnected? No one is saying that tablet computers have no advantages, but it’s unrealistic to argue that they are perfect.

Question 33.34

Good morning and welcome. The main focus of this class is to develop your English presentation skills. The opportunity to give presentations on a variety of topics will help you improve your ability to express yourself clearly. We’re going to focus on three important elements of effective presentations. Firstly, using body language to improve communication. Secondly, using visuals more effectively in PowerPoint presentations. And finally, learning how to speak with confidence by getting used to expressing yourself in front of others. If you can master these skills, you’ll be able to communicate effectively in an increasingly globalized world. For those planning on participating in a study abroad program next year, you’ll find yourself well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

Question 35.36.

New technologies have had a great impact on the way people watch television. Video-on-demand services, which allow viewers to watch whatever they want, when they want, are gaining millions of new customers every year. The difficulty for video-on-demand services in the past was that you could only watch their programs on a computer. This wasn’t ideal for families who wanted to watch programs or movies together. But these days, it is a relatively simple matter to wirelessly hook up a TV to your computer. However, they’re still challenges. One of these challenges is download speeds. Low download speeds often affect the quality of the picture, especially when using more than one device. But the challenges are being met. So who knows how we’ll watch television in 10 or 20 years’ time?

Question 37.38

What’s the point of studying history? Millions of school children have asked themselves this question. It’s all in the past. Why do I need to know this stuff? Well, history, knowing and understanding what happened in the past, can help us make better decisions. We can learn valuable lessons from past mistakes, lessons that may help us avoid repeating them. History can also be inspiring. Knowing what people have achieved in the past might motivate us to succeed and achieve our goals, too. And history teaches us to ask why and how as well as what and when.These important questions sharpen our critical thinking abilities, helping us to solve problems and form arguments.

Question 39.40.
Cars cause traffic jams. Cars cause pollution. Cars are expensive to run. It’s easy for us to be critical of cars. But what would life be like without them? Cars increase mobility. Without cars, it would be difficult for many people to get to work, especially those who don’t live in big cities with good public transport systems. People would have far fewer opportunities if they were forced to work locally. It’s the same with shopping. Just imagine how limited the options would be if you could only shop at stores close to your home. And what about recreation? It wouldn’t be so easy to get away to visit beaches, mountains, and lakes if you have to rely on public transport. So there are two sides to every story. Yes, cars cause congestion, pollution, and are expensive, but it would be wrong to forget the big benefits they offer.

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