





Question 1. There are two dogs in the picture. The big dog on the right is looking at the small one on the left.

Question 2. A boy is sitting on a swing. He is being pushed by the man standing behind him.

Question 3. Mr. Wang has been a nurse for more than 20 years. He’s now taking a patient’s temperature.

Question 4. Pauline is traveling light on her trip to Thailand. She just has a backpack and a piece of carry-on luggage.


Question 5. Which two of the following are true about the woman
A. She is holding a mug in her left hand.
B. She is buying a cup of coffee.
C. She’s enjoying her drink.
D. She had spilled her drink on the desk.


Question 6. Which two of the following are true about the people in the picture?
A. A girl is mixing something with a spoon.
B. The man is pouring milk into a cup.
C. The man is holding a spoon.
D. There is a spoon in the bowl.


Question 7. Which two of the following are true about the picture?
A. It’s a book of fiction.
B. It’s a book of geography.
C. It’s the story of Benjamin Franklin’s life.
D. It’s written by Benjamin Franklin himself.


Question 8. Which two of the following are true about the students in the picture?
A. They’re visiting their teachers during office hours.
B. They’re attending an educational exhibition.
C. They’re asking for information about studying abroad
D. They’re making international flight reservations.


Question 9. Which two of the following are true about the picture?
A. The woman is blaming the man for the car accident.
B. The man keeps apologizing to the woman.
C. One police officer is taking pictures of the accident.
D. One police officer is giving the driver a drunk driving test.


Question 10. Which two of the following are true about the poster
A. The animal in the middle is a fierce tiger.
B. The animals in the poster need to be protected.
C. It’s an advertisement for a newly open wildlife zoo.
D. It urges people to keep animals where they belong.

Question 11. Excuse me. I’m afraid you’re not allowed to drink that in here.


Question 12. I’m new in town. Can you tell me how to get to the famous temple?

Question 13. What is the most rewarding part of being a fashion designer?

Question 14. Could you give me a hand by taking out the garbage?

Question 15. Excuse, me ma’am. Do you know how often the buses run this time of day?

Question 16. I’ve just visited the Lanyan Museum in Yilan. I believe you’ll like it as its architecture is very unique.

Question 17. I need to get my sleeping pattern back to normal because school starts next Monday.

Question 18. Mom, something’s wrong with Lucky, the little dog I brought home yesterday. He keeps scratching
behind his ears.


Question 19. You wouldn’t have this dress in a larger size, would you?

Question 20. Look at that! That guy should be penalized. What’s the fine for littering in Taipei 101?

第三部分 簡答對話

M: How can I help you?
W: I’m a little late. But I have an appointment to see Mr. Ward.
M: I’m sorry. But he left the office about five minutes ago. Would you like to leave him a note?
W: No, that’s alright. It’s my fault. I’ll contact him directly.

Question 21. What does the woman say that it is her fault?

M: You look happy. What’s up?
W: I’m more than happy. I’m in heaven. I’ve just received the best news of my life. I’ve been accepted by
my dream university with a scholarship. I’m going to be an artist.
M: Well done! That’s fantastic.
W: Isn’t it? It’ll be hard work, but it’s a dream come true.
Question 22. Why is the woman so happy?

M: What do you call your father?
W: I call him Dad, or sometimes Daddy. Why do you ask?
M: Well, I heard this kid talking to his father this morning. And he used his dad’s first name. It kind of
surprised me.
W: Oh, right. Yeah, some people do that. But it’s not very common. The vast majority don’t.
Question 23. What are the man and the woman talking about?

W: Did you hear the news that Britain voted to leave the EU?
M: Uh no. What is the EU?
W: The EU stands for the European Union. It is an economic and political body consisting of 28 European countries.
M: What will happen when Britain leaves Europe?
W: Britain cannot really leave Europe. It’s just not part of the union anymore.
Question 24. What can we learn from the conversation?
W: I see you bring your own tea to the office every day. It smells so good.
M: A good cup of tea wakes me up and keeps me going all day.
W: Do you have a special way to make a good cup of tea? What do you put in the cup first, tea, milk, or sugar?
M: I always put the sugar and the tea bag in together. Then I pour the water in and let them sit for a few minutes. The flavor of the tea will spread out evenly that way.
W: Then you add the milk after?
M: That’s right.
W: Sounds very easy.
M: Yeah try it out when you have time. I guarantee you’ll like it.
Question 25. Why does the man enjoy a cup of tea in the morning?
Question 26. How does the man make the tea?

M: Do you think Judy will go out on a date with me?
W: Don’t ask me. I’ve got no idea. Why don’t you just ask her?
M: Because she might say no! it’d be so embarrassing.
W: But she might say yes. And that would be great.
M: I know. But it might ruin our friendship. So I was think maybe you could, you know...
W: I could what? Ask Judy out for you?
M: No! Just try to find out if she’s interested in me. You know, ask a few simple questions.
W: I’m not going to do that. I’m not your spy. There are some things you’ve got to do for yourself. And asking people out on dates is one of them.
Question 27. What relationship does the man and Judy have?
Question 28. What does the man want to woman to do?

M: What do you think of this color? I quite like it.
W: It’s okay. But I don’t think it’ll match our furniture. It would definitely clash with our red sofa.

M: So what color do you think will work?
W: Perhaps the light green. I think that’ll look good with the sofa and the armchair. Better than boring old white at least.
M: Yeah, I definitely don’t want white in the living room. That would be the same as our bedroom, and I’d prefer a bit of variety.
W: So how about this one? Or do you think it’s too dark?
M: Yeah, brown is a little too dark for the living room. I think this one might be better. What do you think?
W: Yeah, I like it. Of course, you never really know what it’ll look like until you see it on the walls.
M: That’s the problem. And then it’s too late to change your mind.
Question 29. What are the man and the woman shopping for?
Question 30. What color is the man and woman’s bedroom?

Questions 31 and 32 are based on the following talk. I’m a teacher and I’m often asked by students what they should wear for an interview. Whatever the interview is for, whether a part-time job, volunteer work, or an exchange program, my advice is always the same: your appearance should be neat, and if in doubt, dress formally. Why? Well, the main reason is that no one ever failed an interview for looking their best. However, if you attend an interview wearing your old jeans, a T-shirt, and your hair looking like you just got out of bed, you run the risk of giving the impression that you don’t really care very much about passing or failing. Making a good first impression is vital at an interview because if you fail to make a good first impression, you probably won’t ever get the chance to make a second one.

Question 33 and 34 are based on the following report. In the modern world, most children attend school for a number of years. And although the exact number varies from country to country, it seems that the average number continues to increase. For example, in the United Kingdom, the minimum age for leaving school has gone up from 16 to 18. In a similar way, here in Taiwan, the government has recently announced a 12-year education system. So, will this trend continue? And can we look forward to the day when young people will be required by law to attend university? Would this be right? And at what age should young people be left alone to make their own choices? Obviously, there are no easy answers. But such questions remain fascinating.

Questions 35 and 36 are based on the following speech. Although I’m sad to be leaving, I’m departing with knowledge and skills which I’ll always treasure. This job has been a wonderful learning experience. Working with you all has made me a more complete and well-rounded person. I’ve learned how to take advice, criticisms, and compliments. Being a member of this team has also taught me to be open-minded and to value others’ opinions. I wish you all the very best for the future and I hope you’ll all continue to experience success and satisfaction in all you do. It’s been a pleasure working here and I’ll truly miss it. Thank you for this farewell party and I look forward to hearing of your future successes.

Questions 37 and 38 are based on the following report. What is the worst thing you can eat? According tosome experts, it’s sugar. One reason is that sugar contains lots of calories but no nutrients such as fat, vitamins, or minerals. Sugar is, in fact, just energy. Scientists also believe that sugar can contribute to
cancer. They argue that research has proved that people who eat a lot of sugar are at a much higher risk of getting cancer. And if that weren’t enough, there’s also evidence that too much sugar results in weight gain in both children and adults. This is because sugar doesn’t satisfy your hunger. You can eat a lot of sugar without actually feeling full. So next time you’re feeling thirsty, perhaps it would be better to keep away from those sugar-sweetened beverages and have a glass of water instead.

Questions 39 and 40 are based on the following report. Why do kangaroos get around by hopping along on both feet? Why don’t they walk and run like every other animal of a similar size? The answer is because they can’t move their legs independently. It is actually impossible for them to move one leg without moving the other. But hopping doesn’t slow them down. In the wild, they can keep going for hours on end at an speed of 60 kilometers per hour with each hop covering about 8 meters. And when you watch kangaroos hop, watch very carefully. You notice that their feet only touch the ground for a split second each time, just enough time to release the energy stored in their legs. It’s amazing and quite unique.

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